Monday, November 21, 2011

You Voted For Who? or is that whom?

Guess what? The so called Super Committee failed in it's attempt to bring down the debt and deficit. Boy am I surprised. I was sure the Republicans would agree to higher taxes on the rich and the Democrats would go along with deep cuts to entitlements like Medicare. Well I guess ya can't have everything. But medicare is costing far too much and is expected to continue to rise dangerously. Taxing the rich or job creators would hurt job growth, if it weren't for the fact that the tax increases would by on net income. After business expenses. Like the costs associated with creating jobs. So it looks like both Democrats and Republicans have once again done us a disservice. Are you surprised at that? Did you think that political parties were intended for the public good? My goodness, you did, didn't you? Well that's okay. Being naive has it's benefits too. No actually, political parties are designed to work against the public good. No that isn't quite true. Actually political parties are designed to perpetuate themselves. It's that fact that works against the public good. I don't think it was always that way. Nor were they originally designed for that purpose. They just sort of evolved into what they are today. Now if you wanted Washington to be unable to accomplish the goals set for it and meet the needs of a society suffering from a monstrous recession with an official unemployment rate of 9% and a much larger actual unemployment rate, coupled with so many under-employed, high medical expenditures, global unrest, multiple unfunded wars and as host of other problems, if that's what you  wanted, then our current two party system is working out just perfectly. On the other hand, if you'd like Washington to intelligently address these and many other problems, ----- You're screwed. That's because our political parties are convinced that the only way to govern America is to destroy the other party, and for one simple reason: the other party is just plain wrong. And wrong headed. And as everyone knows, you can't convince those in that party to listen to reason. Why, all they want to do is band together and vote down anything we try, even though our ideas are in the best interests of the country. It's simple. We're patriots. They're not.

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