Friday, September 30, 2016

The Most Expensive Senate Race, Ever!

       The Pennsylvania Senate race between Pat Toomey and Katie McGinty is headed for the record of being the most expensive senate race in history.  Are we proud of such a distinction? $100 million and counting is the projection. But its not the two candidates that are causing this all time record, it's the Supreme Court in its citizens united decision that is to blame.
       That decision opened the door for dark money non profits and Super-PACs to spread untruths, half truths half baked stories and on occasion a truth peeking through the curtain.  I don't have all the facts, but it sure looks like the candidates whose Super-PACs and dark money non profits that are spending the most money seem to be the ones spreading the biggest lies. And who might that be?
       One way to tell is to ask who wants the citizens united ruling reversed and who is silent on the subject. Well McGinty wants the decision struck down but Toomey seems to be content with it as it is. I can only assume that's because his dark money cohorts are outspending McGinty. Toomey himself is outspending McGinty almost three to one. So I guess if you like all those ads on TV, you must be in favor of citizens united and its supporter, Pat Toomey.
       The worst part of citizens united  is that these dark money folks can take money from anybody, even somebody like Vladimir Putin. Of course that would be illegal, but the donors are completely secret. So if these dark money handlers want to, they can take in money from anywhere. Look at who's funding Toomey, the Koch brothers are huge supporters. Of course they're not from Pennsylvania, but who cares, right? Dark money gets washed into clean money.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


       Have you noticed how many shootings are happening every day? I'm pretty sure that number coincides with the number of guns sold every day. In fact I'd be willing to bet on it if only the NRA would allow Congress to begin to get the numbers on both. Ahh but alas, that information will not come to reach anyone who might use them to pass any sensible legislation.
       The watchword from the NRA is that we all need guns to protect ourselves. My question is how come so many more gun killings are taking place? More and more all the time. I wonder how many minutes pass before a next shooting? I suppose it will soon be listed as seconds before the next shooting death.
       I'm pretty sure there's enough guns in America to protect us from all comers, foreign or domestic, or alien. I think we've reached the point where there are more than two guns per man, woman and child in the country. So unless we grow a third hand we've probably got enough. But for some reason the NRA tells us we need ever more. You don't suppose the NRA is in cahoots with the gun manufacturers do ya?
       Now In admit, stopping the sale of guns to unstable people won't eliminate all murders , just some. But if you're part of the some, you might be in favor of such a ban. Even if the some includes someone you know, you might vote for such a ban. Now I know that the gun manufacturers need more sales in order to increase their income, but the thing is, I'm not sure America needs more guns in spite of what the NRA tells us.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Renegotiate My Foot.

       If Donald Trump is president he will renegotiate our nation's debt. Ya know how crazy that is? He goes to all our creditors and tells them we owe them 20% less than we do. And we will pay less in interest on those debts. And if they don't like it, we'll cancel the debt entirely. Why? How can we do it? Because Trump says we can and there's nothing they can do about it.
       Nothing they can do about it? Well for starters they could say okay but the next time we go looking to borrow anything we'd be out of luck. They'd also step back from any cooperation with America. But the thought of being unable to borrow money when we needed it would be crippling. We'd have to cut funding to everything. Foreign aid (peanuts), all entitlements (a drop in the bucket), school aid (Small change), but then we'd have to cut defense (now we're talking), and then we'd have to increase taxes on everybody (OMG).
       Ya see, in business you can demand to renegotiate a company's debt and get away with it because you can always declare bankruptcy. That way you get to cut your indebtedness and start fresh. But America isn't a business, its a country. And America is renowned for being honest and trustworthy all around the world. Our word is our bond. No matter if another country hates our guts, they know they can trust us to keep our word, friend or foe.
       That's why we are the monetary standard of the World. China wants to hold that title, but America is more trustworthy. Being the monetary standard for the world gives us prestige and financial opportunities not available to anyone else. You wouldn't really want to give up such a lucrative advantage now would you? Because if you did, we'd wind up paying even higher taxes, maybe a lot higher taxes, even after cutting out all those budgetary extras.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


       Ya know, I actually thought Charlatan was Donald Trump's middle name. Turns out its not who he is, its what he is. He's a showman, of the P.T. Barnum class of hucksters. Look at the way he finally admitted Obama was born in America. He called for a huge announcement and speech at his new hotel in Florida.
       He spoke a bit and then slipped in a one sentence statement that flatly stated what everyone knew to be the case, although a few still wished the opposite. And then took every media member there on a tour of his new edifice. It was a total infomercial, a grand opening complete with giveaways.
       Now I don't begrudge Mr. Trump the opportunity to trick the media into doing his bidding, its easy to fool a fool, even for a fool. What gripes me is Donald Trump has no idea what's involved with the Presidency and what's far worse, he doesn't care. And if you don't care about it, you can then say anything that comes to mind, even if it makes no sense as long as it sounds good coming out.
       His talk about reviving the coal industry. Especially in northeastern Pennsylvania, but everywhere else as well. Coal is a dying beast and good riddance. For all the health problems it causes and has caused workers nothing could be better for the world than the demise of coal.
       And that's just for starters. In nearly every, no I take that back because I can't think of a single idea emanating from his mouth that's worthy of serious consideration. I was going to say his brain, but I decided not to. For any other major league politician, he'd come in third in a two candidate race. It's getting to be time to wake up folks.

Friday, September 23, 2016

All The News You Can Stand.

       Ya know, there oughta be a law. When it comes to news coverage of some noteworthy event, there should be a half hour limit on coverage for each side of that issue. The pro side selects the spokesman or woman and goes first, the con side selects theirs and goes next and that's it for the day. Tomorrow the con aside goes first. I think people might actually watch the news and may even have a better understanding of the events.
       I say this because the current format is to have every minute of the day of a special or dreadful event taken up with as many different people basically stating the same thing in as many different ways as possible. Its downright confusing, which is the point. Ya see, by making the reporting as confusing as possible the networks hope you will continue watching in the hopes that someone will clear up the mix-up. Of course nobody will do that because then we'd be able to move on to something more interesting.
       I say its confusing because in order to report on a constant basis, they have to repeat anything and everything they hear about the event. A pick pocketing becomes everything from a wave hello to two armies going toe to toe, rumors to promises of rumors. A used car lot goes from a new sports car to an old plow horse. Wouldn't it be nice if the news people didn't speak until they actually had something to say. I know its pie in the sky to ask for such a gift, but???

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Who Do you Really Want?

       Now who would you believe when it comes to the question of which candidate would be better able to protect us from terrorist's attacks? The internet news outlet Mother Jones, asked some folks in the Chelsea section of Manhattan in the block that was just bombed last weekend that question. They felt that Clinton was the one who could best protect, "Of course, Clinton." As for Trump, another resident said "He knows nothing."
       Now if somebody who is from, or works in a neighborhood that was just bombed, I'd say their thoughts on the subject should count pretty high. Trump reminds me of a loudmouth elementary student out on the playground claiming he knows more than the teachers and he can beat up anyone who dared question his superiority.
       Its all talk folks, and there's no substance worthy of consideration. Think about it. He has a plan to destroy ISIS, but he can't tell us because then ISIS would win? What's he talking about? Some Magic pill or putting something in the water? Build a wall? Maybe around Trump tower, but that's about it.
       If you think about it, Trump's somewhat like P.T. Barnum, who thought "there's a sucker born every minute," you might enjoy watching him in his show, but good lord, you'd never elect him to any position of authority. When someone like that has authority, there's no telling what he might do that could cause severe problems.
       Think about the underhanded things he's already done. Trump University a scam to rip off people who just wanted to get an education. They got an education all right. How to get ripped off. And what about his use of his charitable foundation to pay his business fines and bills? That's illegal. But he doesn't seem to care. He just changes the subject and accuses Hillary of some made up action.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Its Time To Throw The Bums Out.

       Some years back Democrats held majorities in Congress. They didn't do all that great a job and so the voters of America took those majorities away from the Democrats and gave it to the Republicans. Well now the Republicans have had that majority in both houses of Congress and, well let's face it, they haven't done such a good job either.
       My hope is that now, finally, the Democrats have learned a lesson and deserve another chance to lead America into prosperity and fair handedness. After all, we can't really do any worse with Democrats in control instead of continuing with a Republican led road blocked nightmare. At some point we've got to expect one or both parties to get it into their heads that they have to be leaders, not roadblocks.
       It would be wonderful if somehow we were suddenly granted one wish and we had a Congress that always agreed and always worked together for the greater good. But since we've got what we've got, I think its time to hand the reins of government back to the Democrats. If they don't do a good job, we can always give it back to the Republicans again next time.
       I know, I know, it sounds like I'm proposing a yoyo policy of governance, but its what we've got to work with. And until someone comes up with a way to scare our elected officials into doing the right thing, its what we've got. So I'm voting Democrat and I hope you will too. And if the new Congress doesn't work out, four years from now I'll be the first to suggest some changes.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Gerry Mander Gerrymandered Again.

       The most popular and most successful politician in the history of America is a somebody by the name of Gerry Mander. Mr. (Ms.) Mander has been so successful at getting his fellow politicians elected that he has been invited into every state in the country, well almost every state. The reason for Gerry Mander's success is that he arranges for only people who belong to the right political party to be able to vote for the Congressman.
       Now how do you suppose Gerry Mander gets to make that possible? Simple. Gerry Mander gets into the various state legislatures and talks them into (are you ready for this?) gerrymandering all the districts. That means they shape the districts into the strangest tangle of neighborhoods known to man in order to assure that a majority of residents in those districts will vote for Gerry Mander or his/her favored candidate.
       Now you may wonder how Gerry Mander can gerrymander districts if the other party outnumbers Gerry Mander's party? Well Gerry Mander gerrymanders a district that is almost totally of the other party and then arranges the other districts so that his party outnumbers the other party by just a little bit. But remember, it only takes a little bit to win the election. Well, that or a hanging chad.
       But what if Gerry Mander's favorite candidate in the district is a dud? Easy, remember the district was gerrymandered by the state legislature so that only Gerry Mander's favorite candidate can win no matter if he's a dud or not.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Your Vote Counts Even More Now.

       I admit I don't know a whole lot about Zika. Apparently if a pregnant woman gets bit by a Zika carrying mosquito, her child may very well be born with a severe disability. It seems to have started somewhere in South America and worked its way to here in America. The researchers at the CDC are working hard to find a cure for Zika or eliminate the cause.
       The thing is though, it takes a lot of money to research almost anything. and, the CDC must also work on many other potential health problems. Now there's nothing unusual about needing money to do your job. What is unusual is that, in an election year, the U.S. Congress can't come to agreement on approving the funding the CDC needs to do its job.
       Here we have a very serious health emergency and Congress is fighting over something that has no part in the Zika problem. So it, Congress, won't fund the fight against Zika, so babies will be born with this terrible disability that may well be able to be curable before the babies are born, but not after they're born. So what is it that Congress is fighting about? Defunding Planned Parenthood.
       Imagine that. Defunding an organization who helps women with many health services, including legal abortions, is far more important than funding the fight against Zika now and fighting about Planned Parenthood separately! Just think! You voted for these fools! But in just 54 days you have the very best excuse to vote these fools out!
       The CDC isn't Planned Parenthood! Neither is the CDC connected to Planned Parenthood! They're separate organizations. Zika doesn't care about Planned Parenthood either way. It's just going to destroy the lives of unborn children and their families unless or until the CDC finds a way to stop it. Why can't Congress see that?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Scourge of America.

       I listened, this morning, to a conservative's longstanding claim that our government cannot continue to support entitlements because they will destroy our economy. That same conservative stated that we must lift the freeze on increases in funding for the military, just not the entitlements. In other words, we need to build our defense capabilities far beyond its current state.
       But if we extend our military and do nothing further for those least able to fend for themselves, we lose that which we claim to be our excuse to exist. America is greatest when it lifts up all its citizens. So how do we fend for those in need? Because the numbers of people who will find themselves out of work, out of good paying jobs in the future will climb higher and higher.
       Many will be trainable for higher skilled positions, and many will just not fit in. Who will pay for the training necessary to raise those with the aptitude and what is to become of those who haven't the aptitude? America cannot long survive with a growing segment of its society sitting unused. No country in history could. Not Rome, not Germany between the world wars.
       Our politicians ignore this problem at our own risk. Rome provided the Coliseum and games with free food. It didn't work.  But we can't just shut down entitlements without some form of meaningful work. Activity is necessary to eliminate crime and racial hatreds. They're breed by inactivity. A busy person doesn't have time to learn to hate.
       So what kind of jobs can be created for those who don't fit into higher tech? Jobs that produce profits or fill needs? Otherwise riots, crime and hatred will fill our future. As long as our politicians ignore this problem the harder it will be to solve. But politicians are only mirrors of ourselves, they are the speakers to our microphones.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Campaign Solutions.

       I was kidding around yesterday and suggested we all write in a vote for Justin Trudeau for president this November. I decided that we could combine the two countries and call it the United States & Canadian Provinces of America. Somebody suggested we include Mexico. I haven't quite figured out how to add that to the name.
       But there are some really good reasons for combining the two countries and maybe Mexico. I haven't thought that through yet. Ya see, Canada has lots of natural resources and a very short election campaign season, and besides it has great fishing. Natural resources are always important to a country, and don't sell the fishing short. But most important is the idea of only a couple of months of campaign ads on TV. 
       With such a short period of time to get people to vote for you, it seems to me they've got to get down to the nitty-gritty quick. No time for much name calling and muck raking, if you know what I mean. Wouldn't that be great. And boy is the fishing good. They say the salt water fishing is good in Mexico, so there's that to consider.
       I think if there ever was a time to try this kind of merger its now. I think 65% of the people refuse to vote for Trump and about 65% of the people would never vote for Hillary. With that we'd have a negative 30% vote for president. Ya just can't swear in minus 30%. And I've heard of more than a few people state they'd move to Canada if Trump or Clinton got elected. My idea would eliminate that problem. The only question that I can see that would hold my idea up is whether or not Canada would have us. Or Mexico either.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Watch Out!

       North Korea has detonated another nuclear devise and has successfully fired long range missiles with a goal of putting the two together to have a nuclear guided missile capable of delivery to North America. The boy dictator is just unstable enough to try to use such a missile.
       The United States is engaged in a close fight for its presidency between a woman who's major fault is that she used a private email server instead of a government server for which she has admitted the mistake, and a multi-billionaire real estate magnet who is convinced his experience provides him with everything he needs to lead the free world.
       Now I know enough about real estate and construction to know that all the experience in the world about those two fields is nowhere near enough to lead even a small country let alone the only super power in the world. But not knowing how to lead such a complex nation as ours is one thing, not having the interest to learn about the intricacies of such leadership is quite another.
       If we were faced with one egomaniac in the form of Kim Jung Un looking for an excuse to unleash a nuclear conflagration and an under-informed, sabre rattling, Putin loving, bully wannabe like Mr. Trump, we could easily be confronting WWIII.
       It appears that both of these men hunger for attention and the approval of their personal ideologies. Neither individual cares about the people they do or would lead. The one sees the world as against him personally which he brings on himself, while the other only demands the world accept him as brilliant and successful in everything he does or says. He is not.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pay What Ya Owe.

       Well, whatta ya think about the European Union tax bill against Apple? Fourteen and a half $billion for underpaid taxes to Ireland. What they're saying is that Ireland didn't charge Apple enough taxes, so now Apple has to pay up. Of course Apple claims they paid what they were billed and if there was a mistake, it's on Ireland. Ireland is siding with Apple even though they probably would like to get their hands on that cash.
       Here in this country, Congress and a whole bunch of politicians have been grousing about companies jumping to foreign countries to get away from paying taxes. But now all of a sudden the EU is doing something about it. That makes all those politicians happy, right? Huh, that's what you'd think, but no, now all those politicians are mad as all get out that the EU did this to our great and wonderful Apple.
       Now why do you suppose our politicians are unhappy with this new event. The EU has done almost exactly what we've been wanting someone to do, which is basically to take away some of the advantage of leaving America for some lower tax country. If you think I've got an answer, you're wrong. I've never been able to figure out what in the world these politicians are thinking. I Don't believe they have a clue either. I don't know if they're jealous that the EU thought of doing it first or if they're mad that that $14.5 billion isn't going to us.
       Whatever, Apple is suing the EU to try to get out of paying it. Can't blame them for trying. But after all, Apple should be paying more than about 0.1% in taxes over there. Its great for their bottom line, but what it means is that someone else (taxpayers) have to pick up the costs of running a government. I also know that many other companies agree with Apple and are mad at the EU because they don't want other countries to decide to pick up some extra cash from these companies who have picked up and moved out of America if just in name only. Personally I think what goes around comes around. Remember if you or I don't pay enough and the government catches it, we have to pay.