Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What News To Believe.

Farleigh Dickinson University just completed a poll that shows that people who rely on
FOX NEWS for their news, are less informed than people who don't watch any news at all. Now you might think this poll must be flawed if it weren't for the fact that last year the University of Maryland completed a poll that found nearly the same results. But how could this be? FOX NEWS runs 24/7. Surely some of what is stated and reported on FOX must be true, right? Well of course that's true. The poll doesn't suggest that viewers don't know anything. It does suggest, however, that if those viewers aren't also watching other sources of news, they may well be less informed than they think they are. To be fair, that's true of pretty much any news source. But even Jon Stewart's Daily Show, a comedy show that makes fun of news shows and politicians who say and do dumb thing, will keep you better informed than FOX NEWS. A comedy show? But how could this be? Well the thing is, it's a whole lot easier reporting slanted information that makes your side look better than it is to report the truth. That's because if you don't care all that much about the truth, you can make up your own truth. Now as it turns out, FOX NEWS is owned by Rupert Murdock. Mr Murdock is a very wealthy and powerful man who happens to be extremely partisan. That in itself isn't all that big a problem and there's no shame in being partisan. It's certainly far better than being disconnected from what our government does or doesn't do. The problem comes in when he allows his partisanship to spill over into and onto his TV network. Which he has done. Then it becomes a source for more worthless advise, slanted news and partisan rhetoric than news reporting. Again, there's nothing wrong with even that. So long as they make it clear that that's what they're doing. The same rules should apply to any other media outlet. Of course the chances of that happening with FOX NEWS or any other partisan media outlet are about as good as my chances are of winning the next Boston Marathon followed immediately by my seducing the most recent Miss Universe. My goodness is that the alarm clock?

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