Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's My Turn. No It's His Turn.

Hey gang, tonight is the 400th debate in the Republican Presidential Campaign in just under 100 days. Now, I'm making fun of a process that I think is actually a good format. Whenever you have as many people watching a campaign as closely as this one is being watched, I think it's a good idea to get them up on a stage and let them have at it. Why? Because it allows you to quickly weed out those not fit to be on the stage. The problem is that time after time, most of the candidates have shown they are not quite ready for prime time. In fact more than a couple aren't ready for Saturday morning cartoon time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting I could do better, but then I'm only running for President in a more unorthodox way, using only my blog, Sonwbeard Speaks. By the way keep those contributions coming in to my PAC, PIMP. There are still some reservations open for nights in the Lincoln Bedroom. But getting back to tonight's debate, the new front runner for second place is Newt Gingrich. It had to be his turn someday and today looks like the day. If you haven't seen him perform before, watch him as he gestures grandly. One can easily see why he considers himself to be the greatest mind of all of Romney's opponents. Which is a lot like saying he's the greatest mind in an old silent movie of the Keystone Cops or the Marx brothers. Never-the-less, he will expound magnificently and magnanimously on the wonders of his boundless knowledge in order to lavish his extraordinary understanding of all things related to all things.Meanwhile his mere human opponents will continue to muddle along under the spell of his brilliance. All the while tripping over their own tongues. The only real question is exactly what will it be that will trip up the greatest cerebral hemorrhage since time began?

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