Friday, November 11, 2011

Alternative Horse Energy.

Well, funding for alternative energy sources is at an all time low, except for when there was no funding and before the term was invented. If you know the history of Alternative Energy, you know that President Jimmy Carter instituted funding for it when he was president back in the late 1970s. But after Reagan took office he dropped the funding. Now more recently I've heard it said that it just doesn't make sense to spend the money now when we don't have the money to spend and when it'll take decades for research to provide alternative energy sources in sufficient supplies to make a difference. Gee, that must mean that if we had continued research over the last three decades, we'd already have it. So does it make sense to ignore  it now, so that three decades from now, we still won't have any alternative energy sources? Based on that kind of thinking, back toward the end of the nineteenth century, we should have been saying that oil was just too expensive and there wasn't enough supply to warrant research. After all, horses were much more reliable. So today, we could have been commuting to work in a surrey with fringe on top. If we don't get serious about research on alternatives, the day will come when we'll all be walking and using candles, which would be okay if it weren't for airplanes. It's gonna be tough to devise coal fired aircraft. And the Navy will really struggle with sails for their aircraft carriers. All that is doable, but what about submarines? A sail won't help them much. There's always a reason not to do something. And we're very good at not doing anything about potential problems. If it hasn't jumped up and smacked us in the face and isn't threatening to take away our toys, we know how to keep putting it off until it does smack us in the face and takes our toys. Then we know how to blame somebody else better than anybody. I don't know about you, but I think the best time to do something is when you realize it needs doing. Of course if you believe some folks, there will never be a need to do anything because we will never run out of fossil fuels and global warming is a hoax and there is no such thing as polution, just like evolution. And the unproven idea that the earth is round and circles the sun? Well, we all know the truth about that.

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