Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Teaching Wars.

There's a new war going on in this country and the battlefront is in your home town. Yessiree boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, and this war is being fought for the hearts and minds of those children out there. Cyber or virtual schools is the new boy on the block and it's trying to replace your Alma mater. Opponents claim there is no way to gage the effectiveness of such schools and there is no way to properly fund them. Proponents point out the needs of many students such as high and low achievers. Even targets of bullying. What these waring sides don't realize is that there is a simple solution to nearly all of the arguments, both pro and con. Holograms! You betcha. See, Holograms would provide that "classroom" experience opponents of virtual schools say that students need. Each student would have a hologram assigned to them. Teachers would have one as well and would also have the ability to switch off any student hologram that was misbehaving. They could even have the "instant replay" feature, as well as "challenge" option if a student's coach (parent) felt there was an error in the penalty. Now I realize that we're not quite ready with the technology to put these holograms to work yet. There are bugs to work out. Like what arrangements to make relating to contracts with holograms, vacation pay and length, their union contracts and various classifications. Everybody wants the extra smart one but nobody wants to be the class troublemaker hologram. The big question is who gets the bigger pay rate, the smart one or the troublemaker?  The smart one because of all the extra data storage necessary, or the troublemaker because of the built in safety mechanisms necessary to protect it from damage?  But these are all questions that can be worked out. All that's left is for someone to figure out who gets the prettiest one. That and hologram dating. On to Hologram U.       

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