Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Trump Iron Curtain.

       Our President wants a wall along our southern border. Well, now he is willing to compromise. It could be a steel slat structure. In other words, now President Trump wants an Iron Curtain. Remember what that was all about? The old Soviet Union separated the east from Western Europe. Do you remember how that worked out?
       The Soviet Iron Curtain was meant to keep Eastern defectors from escaping to the West. Mr. Trump's Iron curtain would be designed to keep Hispanics out. Do ya wonder how that'll work? The Great Wall of China didn't keep enemies out, The Soviet Iron Curtain didn't keep easterners in and the Trump Iron Curtain won't work either.
       People desperate to go somewhere, who fear for their lives and need to move on, will do it even if it endangers their lives. If we Americans don't see that and the uselessness of Trump's Iron Curtain, it will only cause more and more refugees to lose their lives, and their children. That's not what America is about, right from the beginning.
       Should we have border security? Of course. But we need to take advantage of technology. And we need to defend all our Ports of Entry. Sea ports are especially open, where every ship and boat needs to be inspected carefully. While we worry about desperate refugees, real bad actors can slip in in many ways.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Wrong Gut.

       In spite of my wish that we would pull our troops out of foreign conflicts around the world, I have to say that doing it with no real rationale other than a phone call from Turkey seems to be more than a decision to pull troops out of combat situations. It seems like a more likely reason is a case of Wage The Dog. Pull one bad trick to draw attention away from another. Look at what's going on around the country.
       President Trump has had more aids convicted or indicted of criminal acts than any other president in history. He's got more top aids leave or been fired by him than any president. And it's not unlikely that he will be indicted himself. If not soon than as soon as he is no longer president. The only reason he won't be impeached and convicted is that there aren't enough Republicans in the Senate willing to go against him.
       We're stuck with him until at least 2020. And in those two years., we're in for a rough road. Trump treats our allies like he treated dishonest property owners in New York. Kick them around and if you lose a friend, so what. There are others to choose from, even enemies will work. He can't see beyond the city and doesn't want to.
       That's why he isn't interested in reports and analysis from trained aids. He doesn't want to hear why it's a bad time to pull troops out or not. He only goes by his gut feelings and promises from anyone he looks to as a strong leader. In the course of two years, either the past two or the next two, Donald Trump is likely to get us in deep trouble, if he hasn't already.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Why Is It?

       Why is it that Russia can blockade a Ukraine city and attack the Ukraine navy and America does nothing. But China tries to take over the South China Sea and America challenges them on a regular basis. Now don't get me wrong. I agree that we should keep the South China Sea open. Its an important trade route. But what is Ukraine? Chopped liver?
       It appears that President Trump doesn't understand the idea of consistency. I get it that for some reason nobody can fathom, Trump loves Putin and seems to think Russia can do no wrong. But he seems to think, perhaps rightly so, that China are a bunch of stinkers. China is a bunch of stinkers, and always have been. I'm glad we're doing something little about the South China Sea, we could and should do more.
 But what about Ukraine? What about Russia? Does anyone think the Kremlin is not a bunch of stinkers too? They're trying their best to screw us over and all of Europe too. We've got the ability to put a stop to the blockade by simply sailing a couple of our own warships into that port city. Anybody think that Russia would harm our ships? Not likely.
       We could even run interference for some commercial shipping if need be until Russia backed off. As for the South China Sea, one of our allies in that region, with our financial and military help, should take over an uninhabited island and build an installation. Maybe a military hospital for rehabilitation. China would have difficulty explaining how that would be a threat to them. I'll bet lots of people would apply to spend some rehabilitation time there. I might even apply myself.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Gerrymandered Walgreens.

       I mentioned Minnesota a while back. Well, they're in my mind again. It seems that Walgreens among other major corporations is funding the Republican power grab in Minnesota that, even though the elections clearly show a desire to have a divided government, with the financial help of Walgreens, those Republican leaders won't allow the new Governor to have much power.
       Now why would corporations like Walgreens support such moves by the Republican legislators in Minnesota? Tax breaks, that's why. Under highly gerrymandered districts, the Republicans rule the legislature and support lower taxes for Walgreens et al. All at a cost to private citizens and small businesses. But, hey, it means substantial savings for Walgreens.
       Unfortunately Minnesota isn't the only state using this governing scam. Look at Michigan and North Carolina who are doing the same and even Ohio and Missouri, all of whom are trying to subvert democracy even though they won't admit it. And companies the likes of Micro Soft, Dr. Pepper Snapple, J P Morgan Chase and Humana are all supporting these crafty politicians. But these companies are saving $millions. It's easy to see why they don't care about democracy. It's not as profitable as a gerrymandered state.
       Gerrymandering is anti democracy, no matter who's doing it. So if you live in a state that's fairly evenly divided among the population, but the state legislature is heavily weighted to one side or the other, you're losing your democratically governed society. It won't be good for you in the end.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Slick Is As Slick Does.

       Isn't the Wisconsin state government slick? They're passing new legislation stripping the incoming Governor and Atty General of way too many powers. Then in just one day, they approved 81 appointments, presumably that the new governor won't be able to undo. Eighty one! In one Day! That's more work then they did all year.
       It seems that the Republican Governor and Attorney General were defeated in the elections so the state legislature which is still in the hands of the Republicans want to make sure that only they, the legislature, can do anything. Which means that not much will get done until either they are replaced in the next election or the new Governor and Attorney General are.
       These are moves worthy of the slickest con man in Los Vegas, or some banana republic. Now I can understand feeling bent out of shape at having lost in the election, and I understand that lame duck sessions are a chance to correct some mistakes and approve some needed legislation, but this seems to be a bridge too far. I can't imagine any judge letting that slip by.
       I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised though, after all states all over the country are trying to ban this group or that one from voting or having a say, or in Michigan, I think it is, cutting back on the minimum wage, and others trying to cut out medical care. You'd think these governments are against the people instead of friends of the people. Why do so many politicians dislike the people they represent?