Saturday, April 30, 2011

Close Your Eyes. The Justices Are Coming.

Well, our Supreme Court has done it again. It has effectively screwed the public in favor of corporations, again. You got it. Here's what they decided in a five to four decision. They said that people with the same claim against a corporation cannot join in a class action suit against the corporation. They must sue or arbitrate separately. In the case they tried, the problem was that a phone company promised a free phone, then charged $30. Now who would sue for $30? Or more importantly, what lawyer would take the case? But if hundreds of people were hoodwinked the same way, they can't band together. What it means is that they have to submit to company arbitration. Anybody want to guess who's pockets those five justices are in?
I guess if a company decided to stick up pedestrians on a busy street corner in any city, nobody could sue to get their money back. They'd have to submit to company arbitration. In fact this might work well for a pickpocket. Just incorporate and then if you steal fifty bucks from somebody and they catch you, just inform them they'll have to see your brother, the company arbitrator, who will be happy to refund you five bucks as the award in the arbitration. By golly I think the justices are onto something here. Where do you apply for pickpocket college? I'm interested in night classes.

Okay, Who's Fault Is It, Anyway?

So tell me this. How much do you like oil? I'm not talking about vegetable or olive oil, I'm talking about Texas gold. You know, light sweet. I only ask because it's very likely that the price is going to go way up. Way, way up, before it comes down. And it's not likely to come down for quite a while. Wait a minute. Who's fault is it? I mean, this is America. We have to have someone to blame. So which is it, Obama or Trump (Hee Hee) or some other Republican or Democrat? Or can we blame all of our politicians? Well, as much as I'd like to blame our politicians, especially Trump (Hee Hee), the problem is far more likely to be in and as a result of the middle east. You know, the Arab countries. But it's not because they're Arabs. It's because that part of the world sank into a bunch of tribal chiefs, each with his own plot of sand known as sheikdoms. Sand that wasn't worth the powder to blow them up. Until they found a whole lot of oil under the sand. Then each sheik got rich. But the richer they got, they richer they wanted to be. You know, like corporations. So they kept taking from their own people, you know, like politicians. Eventually the people got fed up and decided to get some freedom and some of the riches for themselves. Americans haven't quite gotten to that point yet. Problem is, with all the confusion, oil is likely to stop flowing, or at least slow down. And that means higher prices for lower quantities. Of course there's always a silver lining in every cloud. In this case, our politicians have each other to blame to their hearts content. I assure you, I will rise above this and present the best choice for president. (this entry is paid for by P.I.M.P.) {Put In My Pocket, in case you forgot}

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Royal Pain.

Well, thank goodness it's over. It's Friday April 29 and the whole thing is over. At least I hope it's over.
No more reporting on the events of the last week or so. Yes, it's true. I finally have a new computer and it's finally working. At least it is at this moment. But I'll tell you what. It was truly an ordeal. It took seven trips to the store, four separate phone calls to the geek squad hotline, two calls to the Internet provider and a partridge in a pear tree. But it seems to finally be working. I'm not sure it was worth the struggle. Well except that I was easily able to miss the royal wedding and all the buildup beforehand. So maybe it was worth all the indigestion. Here's the thing. First I bought the computer, then I couldn't get on line, but the geeks helped me get online. Then I couldn't get online, then I could with help, then to the store to get it straightened out.  Can't, then another call, then back to the store. Then a replacement computer, then no anti-virus, then a call, then to the store where I was told I should do it myself. All interspersed with additional calls and trips. But, as you can readily see, I'm ONLINE. Do you realize how difficult it is to type with your fingers crossed? You underestand, I'm not one to complain, but I don't remember ever having this much trouble with any piece of  equipment before. I mean adding machines, typewriters, manual and electric, copiers, faxes, you name it. I remember, I once had trouble with a spirited horse, but that only amounted to a sore behind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sneakyleaks, An Electric Idea.

My presidential campaign committee has just formed a website called sneakyleaks. I'm proud to state that it is responsible for the release of President Obama's birth certificate. A subsidiary of sneakyleaks that will handle the more odorous releases such as Donald Trump's birth status, is named leakysneakers. It has called into question whether or not anyone on Mars has any memory of Donald in elementary school or for that matter, there seems to be no memory of him ever being from Mars at all. If this is true, and I'm not saying it is, but if it is true, then he would have to be classified as an alien of unknown birth status. At any rate, the website is and it's companion site, The "sbs" of course is SnowBeard Speaks. This is the name of my search engine. It's a 353 horsepower engine with overhead cam, from a 1973 Chevy Nova. It was red and was my mother's until she could no longer drive. It then went to my oldest son and now is driving my computer searches. Now, that's called recycling. Which is something else I'm interested in supporting as president. I believe that if we recycle all of the campaign signage each year, and use it to generate electricity, we will have enough energy to power our entire country and have enough left over to export some to China. Another advantage to this idea is that you would be allowed to specify Republican or Democrat electric for your home. You know, red electric or blue electric. That's called marketing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Energy Policy?

Ya know all those children we've elected to represent us in Washington over the last few decades? Well they're throwing tantrums. Again. Or yet. It's time for some truths. There is no such thing as clean coal. It pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Coal kills. There's no such thing as unlimited oil reserves. And we don't control enough oil to support our needs and certainly not our desires. Oil pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Oil kills. Natural Gas pollutes. The chemicals that are used to extract gas are poison too. Natural gas pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Natural Gas kills. Nuclear energy is poison. It, or it's spent fuel, pollutes the air, the water and the ground. Nuclear Kills. What's left in large enough supply to meet our needs, never mind our desires? The answer? Right now, nothing! So what's the answer? Well, we could continue on the current course until we destroy our civilization if not the planet, or we can come up with some responsible plan to wean ourselves off undesirable,  poisonous energy and onto some, as yet undecided, unrealized energy form. To do that we'll need a responsible transition plan as well. But here's the real question. It's not what form of energy we need to move toward. It's not which forms of energy we need to eliminate first or how quickly to do it. It's not even who will profit the most from any changes or decisions. No. The real question is, do we have elected representatives who are adult enough to make those decisions? Do you really want my opinion?

Holster That Hog Leg, Uncle Sam.

All right then. Let's talk about the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. We could have talked about the twelve hundred pound polar bear, but nobody in Washington seems to care about his plight. Okay then. Here it is. We keep worrying about medicare, medicaid and a lot of other entitlements that won't solve the budget crisis on their own. So what's the answer? Well it ain't good intentions. I'll tell ya that much. But if you really want to know, then take out your world map and look toward the east of Europe. No not Japan, although a shortage of car parts is a bit of a problem. And it's not China, although China presents a whole other set of problems. It's the middle east and I'm including Afghanistan and Pakistan in that group. We've got four wars going on, all at the same time. If you don't think that's costing us our rainy day savings, you'd better think again. In fact we're way past that fund. We're deep into our life savings. It's costing us between three and four billion dollars a week, yes, I said a week, and yes I said three and four billion dollars, to play "world cop". Now don't get me wrong. I hate to see people get pushed around or killed by all these two bit Caesars. But it's gonna happen whether or not we do anything about it. In fact, it seems the more we try to stop that sort of thing, the more it's happening. Nobody likes a show-off. And nobody likes the guy who wants to act like the good cop, but can't seem to stop pushing our plan on everyone else. It's like a used car salesman. Ya need them, but ya don't have to like them. On MSNBC this morning, Rep. Barney Frank hit it right on the head when he said that the rest of the world can have sound economies because they have the U.S.A. to protect the world from itself. Except that even they don't have such sound economies these days. It's time for the "other guy" to carry the tin star for a change. We need a breather. Our military needs a breather. And we need to learn how to stop telling other people what to do. We ain't Wyatt Earp any more.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just One More Thing To Worry About.

With all the things we have to worry about in this old world, you can add another one. It's serious and should be right at the top of your "to worry about" list. I speak of the dreaded termite plague. Now you may not think it's such a big deal, but I'm telling you right now that it's a lot bigger then you realize. Let me explain how this problem has grown. In India, and yes, I know that's a long way away, but in northern India, termites have eaten up ten million rupees. That's about $220,000 in U.S. dollars. This was reported in Fridays additional of the Washington Post. Now as if that weren't bad enough, the money was in a steel bank vault. Folks, your money is no longer safe. Think you've saved up enough to buy that new car? Think again. The money could be gone. Don't forget, banks have been looking for ways to tell you that your savings have disappeared,  for years. Well, they've found that way. Sorry Charlie, but your money got eaten up be the termites. See? Here's the dust left over from their tiny banquet. Yes, and don't think you can just stuff it in your mattress. If they can get into a steel bank vault, your mattress will be no challenge for them. Now, if money is on the menu, then what's next? Stocks? Bonds? Your will? Friends, this is an assault on our very way of life. Why, it won't be safe to leave the house without all your wealth going along with you. But a wallet seems like small protection. Perhaps a moving car will make a more difficult target and thus a safer repository. On the other hand, with the price of gas being what it is, you may not be able to hold out long.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I Suppose Afghanistan, Iraq And Libya Are Earth Too.

Even though today is Earth Day, most people either don't know that, or don't care. Corporations think even less of it. Therefore politicians could care less. It's not that they don't like the earth so much as they see earth as a place to either dump their waste or a place to dig up something of worth to them. With the exception of their own little piece of it, where they live. That, of course, is always of great importance. Why do you think they spend so much money spreading poison around to kill weeds and insects? It's because they love their home. Wouldn't you protect your home from invaders like dandelions or flys? After all, it's war. And in war, you pull out all the stops. You go all out to defeat the enemy. And just like real war, you just can't defeat all the enemy. Enemies somehow seem to hang in there and they keep coming back at you. War isn't like it used to be. Was the time when you could go out and whoop an enemy and that was that. Not any more. But that's partly because we don't go all out to win a war any more, except in our back yard around the patio. But in real wars, we just play at it. We drop a bomb or two and send in a missile,. If that doesn't win the war, we send in some more bombs and missiles and some secret advisers. Pretty soon we send in some combat troops, just to mop up. Then we send in a lot more to quash the unrest, then we send in huge numbers of our young people to defeat an enemy we can't find until they're ready to be found. Then we send in body bags to bring back our young people. We spend ourselves into bankruptcy, or nearly so. The troops we send in volunteered to protect their country. We're wasting them in other countries protecting corrupt leaders and people who don't want us there and don't want us protecting them either. Ya know what? If we're not prepared to go into a war, or punitive action or humanitarian effort or any other name for what it really is, if we aren't willing to go all the way, then we need to stay the hell out of it. Stopping a madman from killing his own people is a fine thing, if you can afford to do it and if you're willing to spend the lives of your people to do it. But if you're unwilling or unable to do what it takes, then hang your head in shame and keep out of it, cause it ain't your fight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Odd Ends

News item: A plane with Mrs Obama and Mrs Biden on board was forced to abort a landing because it was too close to a military transport plane. Question: How does the Republican Party feel about this type of abortion?
Question: Where is Ralph Nader? I realize that some folks will ask "Who is Ralph Nader"? Do we need a watchdog to look out for the well being of our people again? The government doesn't seem to be doing it and corporate America has never done it.
Question: If, in my bid for the presidency, I form an organization and call it the "People Matter Society" (PMS), would this  be a women's health group?
Question: If Donald Trump has little knowledge of policy or governing, but has money and fame, can I compete with little money or fame, but have little knowledge of policy or governing but do realize that Obama has a valid birth certificate?
Question: If no new candidate steps forward in the Republican party, can the Republicans postpone the 2012 elections until 2013?
Question: If one more state legislature votes one more immigration bill into law, can all state legislature be banned from meeting until further notice and their budgets be returned to each state's coffers? and B, Would any states actually do it?
Question: If one more state legislature votes to cut back on education, can they be sent to detention hall until the recession is over, or the next election cycle replaces them, whichever comes last?
Question: If the Republican party and the Democratic party cannot agree on a debt ceiling in time to avert a default by our country on it's debt, can the American people claim incompetent leadership in an appeal?
Question: If Standard and Poors downgrades our rating from AAA to something less than that, can the American people then claim incompetent leadership in an appeal?
If a Republican or a Democrat is elected to the presidency or any seat in congress in the 2012 elections, can the American people then declare incompetent electorate-ship in an appeal?

Monday, April 18, 2011

All Hail The Supreme Court.

I'm more excited then ever about my chances in the 2012 presidential buyers sweepstakes. Well, okay you can call it an election if you want, but I think my term is more descriptive of the process since corporations and unions can spend just about any amount they want and collect donations from anyone and or anywhere they please. And I just want to say that my hat's off to the Supreme Court for making it all possible. But lets not overlook the Federal Election Commission for not deciding on any rules to play by. What a wonderful help that is. Actually what I wanted to say is that my hat's in the ring. Let me now state to any and all corporations or foreign powers, no matter friend or enemy,  that you are invited to donate to my PAC, P.I.M.P., or Put In My Pocket any amount you please over $50,000. There will be no questions asked except, when would you like to stay in Lincoln's bedroom. Now, besides these donations for which I am most grateful, I've been brushing up on some of the most important buzz words needed in any campaign of national importance.Words and phrases like "going forward". That's a really important one. Using it liberally, shows that you are up on the latest fad words. Some others are "flavor of the month, , up front, tell it like it is, Sarah Palin, reining in Washington, The Donald, Obamacare, tweet (or is it twit), Paul Ryan Plan, shared sacrifice, rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, birther, Tea Party, just to name a few. It's important to sprinkle as many of these words and phrases in a speech as possible. Extra credit is given for actually using them in context. Although, any useage is still a plus. I must say that I'm getting a lot of great ideas for my stump speech. And work on my platform is moving along splendidly. The platform is vague and low, both of which will be helpful once I'm elected,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

More Campaign Stuff Of Great Import.

There's a few things I've come to realized about running for President. Number one is that you have to write a book. Fortunately I've already started one. It's more of a textbook. If you look back a few entries in my blog, you'll see the first installment. The purpose of the book is to help people divest themselves of unwanted spouses, legally. The "legally" part is most important, of course. I should also like to ask that you not mention this book to my wife. After all, I don't want her divesting me. It just wouldn't look good for my candidacy for my wife to suggest there's any reason in the world to not support me. This is one book that will never show up on my bookshelf. Actually, my wife is a strong supporter. Why, just yesterday, when I showed her my platform, she said, and I quote, "that stuff just doesn't interest me". Proof enough that she's already excited about the upcoming campaign. I'm awaiting invitations to speak at rallies and fundraisers, which I'm pretty sure are in the mail, as we speak. Should you want me to speak at your rally, just send me a request accompanied by a check in the amount of at least $50,000. And Remember, this amount will also get you a night in the Lincoln bedroom if you make the check payable to P.I.M.P., Put In My Pocket,  which is my PAC. I'm looking forward to speaking with you on some of the most important issues of our day. Like where are you taking me for lunch, and what about your corporate jet to bring me to your event and return me home again. I'd also like to address the issue of a winter trip to Antigua or somewhere similar.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fleshing Out The Platform.

Well, friends. I'm fine tuning my stump speech and an ad for my PAC, P.I.M.P. You remember in my last transmission, that I announced my decision to form an exploratory committee to begin running for the presidency. And I don't mean of a corporation. I've formed my Political Action Committee, Put In My Pocket, or P.I.M.P. Anyway, one of the things I've noticed and have become concerned about is the tendency of candidates to claim they will institute an open and transparent government. Once elected, however, they promptly make everything secret. I don't plan to let that happen in my  administration. No-sirree. I hereby state that, if elected, I will form a translucent government. Everything that happens will be well lit, so as to eliminate any confusion, but will be blurred so as to allow for the maximum security. Ya can't be too careful, ya know. There could be enemies lurking about. One of the planks in my platform will include giving the vote to corporations. They already, pretty much own congress, but I want them to feel equal to any private citizen as well. This will also allow corporations to hold office. After all, the Supreme Court has determined corporations to be persons. I'm only taking one 'more' small step for corporations. Another concern I have is the economy, and with it, jobs. My plan is to tax everyone 100%. I will then turn all of the tax income over to the corporations so they can create jobs for every citizen, should they choose to do so. In one brilliant stroke, I will have solved both the economic downturn and put every citizen to work, whether they want to or not. Likewise, every citizen will have healthcare through their employer, although they will have to pay 100% of the costs. After all, you can't expect corporations to take it out of their meager profits, can you? Now, you may think that by turning all of the tax money over to corporations, there would be none left to run the government. Not so.  The government would have ample funds to operate from the "under the table" payments from the corporations for the best contracts. Of course Congressmen and Senators would get their usual percentage of the take. See! Everything always works out in the end. So? What do you think of my chances, so far?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Good news friends. After long deliberations, I have come to the conclusion that I must run for the Presidency. Persuaint to that decision, I am herewith forming an exploratory committee to determine which established political party I should join for that purpose. Or, whether I should join with any currently existing party. In order to aid in my quest, I am hereby forming a Political Action Committee. The acronym for this PAC will be P.I.M.P. My PAC, PIMP, will allow me to raise sufficient funds to meet my goal. There will be several levels of gifts which my PAC, PIMP, will be authorized to receive. Donations of between $50,000 and $50 million dollars will provide you with at least one night's stay in the Lincoln bedroom. Please call in advance to determine availability. Gifts below $50,000 will be bundled with other like gifts in a special fund here-in-after called the CF fund. The CF stands for chintzy fund. Such gifts will provide you with free admission to the Lincoln Memorial for any date you desire. No reservations will be necessary. My decision to consider running for the presidency, was based on the fact that, with so many others running for the office, and the high caliber of those candidates, I should have no problem in getting the nomination. That assumes I will receive sufficient funds to my PAC, PIMP. My PAC, PIMP, will help me to reach my goal.
 Now to my credentials. I am a native born citizen, and have a birth certificate, or the likeness of same, showing that my birthplace is Wallesville and state records show that Wallesville has been turned into a state park. I have a firm grasp of American history, unlike some of my opponents. For instance, I fully understand that the Revolution was started , not in Vermont or New Hampshire, but in Texas. I have a firm grasp of geography as well. I understand that you can no more see Russia from Wassila, then you can see America from Arizona. As to foreign policy, I believe that the whole world is foreign and no aliens should be allowed here. On wellfare, I say far well. On health care, I say care for yours and I'll care for mine. On unions,I believe that all Americans should be allowed to join any union of their choice, but no union should ever be allowed to speak on behalf any person. I believe that corporations are persons and as such are entitled to citizenship, which includes voting rights and the right to run for political office. On the economy, I think we should just deny all debt. Nobody can force America to pay interest on any loan, anyway. It is so stated in the bible.
Getting back to my PAC, PIMP. I think it would be proper to inform you that the P.I.M.P. stands for Put In My Pocket. I do hope I can count on your vote, but whether or not you intend to vote for me, please donate to my PIMP.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Advice To The Love Worn.

Just a heads up. I'm going to begin a series on "How to divest yourself of an unwanted spouse without breaking any laws. An instruction manual for the unhappily married". Now this textbook will be about finding ways to get your spouse to decide to leave you and still remain friendly. As a tickler, and first on the list is to find a new love interest for him/her. Of course, this won't work if he/she already has a love interest. But then, if the marrage is that open, why would you need to divest? Finding someone new, the right type, good looking, but not too good looking, successful, but not too successful and of course, available but not too available. This last is the most important trait. After all, what good is the perfect bait if it's not available? By too available, I speak of someone who is desperate. Avoid these people at all cost. Then there's the trick of arranging the chance meeting. Not too obvious and naturally you can't have any visable association with the meeting. Nor should you be in town that weekend. Being away "on business" is the best ploy. In order to arrange for the chance meeting may require bringing in an accomplice. Choosing an accomplice can also be tricky. The best accomplice would be one who is also in the market to "make a change". Always be on the lookout for a potential trade here. The potential accomplice's spouse may be the perfect spouse for your "soon to be Ex". On the other hand, one must guard against getting sucked into a poor matchup. A large investment in time could fall apart if the match is not well chosen. It is critical at this juncture not to give cause to your spouse to have second thoughts. An unkind word, well placed, can assure that no second thoughts will occur. Tommorow will bring the next chapter in this informative series, titled "How to find that new love interest". The reason I decided to write this series, rather than having someone with vast experience do it, is that I feel one should not be too close to the advise you are tendering.
P.S.  You should read the next (or last) article in this blog. I just wrote it and it really is more serious and important then this one.

Where Have All The Robin Hoods Gone?

Did you know that consumers account for 67% to 75% of our economy? So what if they do? What does that have to do with our budgetary debates? Well the short answer is that it probably won't have very much to do with the debate. That's a disaster waiting to happen. It's sort of like saying it doesn't matter if nobody buys products, companies will still continue to make them. What if the government eliminated all the safetynets, the entitlements, for the poor and middle class so it could give bigger tax cuts for the rich and corporations. How would that help the economy? On the other hand what if the government gave out more in entitlements for the poor and middle class and raised taxes on the rich and corporations. In the second example, more people would have more money to buy more products that would have to be manufactured. In the first example, fewer people would have money to buy products, therefore the products would not get manufactured. Now, you could argue, as some do, that by taxing corporations and the rich, there would be insufficient money to fund the growth that corporations must make in order to begin to increase manufacturing. They also claim that corporations would move off shore. To this last I say, check the news. They've been doing that for years. Because we make it easy for them to do it. Some say our taxes on corporations are far too high. Too High? GE and a bunch of others didn't pay any taxes. Secretaries making $20,000 per year pay more in taxes then most of the rich and corporations. The only companies who pay the listed tax rate must have incompetent tax lawyers. But going back to the question about funding expansion, corporations are sitting on more cash then at any time in history. They don't need to borrow, they already have the funds. What they need is people with some money in their pockets who can buy their products. How do we get people to have money in their pockets? I don't think it's by taking away entitlements. I think it's by taxing the rich and giving some of it to the poor. What we need is a few Robin Hoods in Washington. That's how we got to have entitlements in the first place. We had some Robin Hood types in the past, but recently it's become a bad word to suggest taking away from the rich. Who made it a bad word? The Rich.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Did We Actually Elect All Those Folks?

Just like in the past, we've all elected representatives to go to Washington to do our will. That is, to govern our country in a civilized, honest, effective manner. Just like in the past, we've elected ill-manored children who are playing at the adult game of governing. Just like in the past, they're doing a poor job of it. The only difference I can see is that right now, during these trying times of three wars, very high unemployment and deep indebtedness, we chose boys and girls to do an extremely important and difficult job and  they seem woefully unequal to the task. Either that or they aren't taking the task seriously. We expected them to work on creating jobs, yet I've seen little to convince me they had anything to do with it. In fact it looks more like the job creating we're seeing, seems to be in spite of their best or worst efforts. We sent them to Washington to tackle the debt. But if this latest effort is an indication of their brave concentration on that matter, we shall never see an end to that matter. We sent them to Washington to protect us from the  untrustworthy and unexpected, but they seem to have no interest in such work. The one thing they seem to have learned just enough to be dangerous with, is brinkmanship. Now, there is a time and a place for such adult games, but this was hardly the time or the place for it. And they showed poor judgement in the prosecution of the game. Rather, they should have been working for a common goal. I realize there needs to be room for honest differences of opinion, but that was not displayed here. There was no honest difference of opinion of representatives of the same group of people striving for a common goal. What was displayed was strong representation for the two or three separate political parties and each ideology. Is that why we elected these kids? When you went to the election place, and stepped into the booth, were you intent on bringing about deadlock and confusion? Or were you there to appoint someone to do a job that would help you and your neighbors? I had hoped these young folk would show the world how a strong America could solve it's problems and be strengthened by the effort. What I saw was a group of unruly children, without supervision, running in a dozen different directions, without purpose, except to irritate the other members of the group. I suppose this was in order to set the stage for the larger battles to come. Our coinage states "In God We Trust". We must, because I fear we cannot trust in our elected officials.

Friday, April 8, 2011

No Budget? So What.

I just don't get it. What's the big deal anyway? I mean, so what if the government shuts down for a while? Who cares anyway? So a few million people won't get paid and maybe refund checks won't go out. So what? What's more important, a shutdown that hurts a whole lot of people, or an ideological fight? Look. It sounds like congress has agreed on the dollars involved in order to pass a budget for 2011. That's 2011, not 2012. The fight over 2012 hasn't even started yet. It's just that they can't seem to decide whether or not to fund Planned Parenthood, the EPA and PBS. Say what? That's right. The budget is pretty much okay, but non-money items that really don't have anything to do with the budget can't get worked out. After all, who wants to fund an organization that provides health help to millions of American women, or a department that is charged with the responsibility of making sure that the water we drink and the air we breathe is safe to do those things, or a broadcaster who is charged with the responsibility of honestly reporting the news without bias? These things should be done away with, right? No more breast checkups for poor women, no more protection from polluters, and who wants the truth, anyway? So, if it means shutting down the government, so be it. Besides, we're sure the other political party will get the blame. In fact both parties are spending most of their time figuring out what to say to make sure the public blames the other side. Why, how can they be expected to spend any time working on passing the budget when this important blaming stratagizing is going on? I for one want to applaud these elected officials for their careful attention to these important details. Look, you think it's easy being a Congressman or President? I'd like to see you try to do it. Then you'd understand the pressure they're under to promote their own party over the other guy's party. It's no walk in the park. It's no day at a national park. And this business about the fact that we get paid no matter what? Well, how do you suppose we're supposed to keep working on a budget during a shutdown, unless we keep getting paid? How come our soldiers will have to keep fighting in three wars without pay? Well, that's different. After all, they're dedicated Americans.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Answer To The National Budget Debates.

Wouldn't ya just know it? There's a proposal on the table for the national 2012 budget by the Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. His plan is to cut six trillion $$$ over the next ten years from President Obama's plan. How can that be? I mean six trillion is nothing to sneeze at. Especially when you consider that it includes a tax cut for corporations like BP, Exxon and GE (who paid nothing) and the wealthy from 35% to 25%. Of course it's meaningless for GE, but that's quite a saving. Well, for one thing it privatizes Medicare, an idea only a Republican could love, and not all of them. It cuts Medicaid way back, which means that the poor will have to do without, again. Then it cuts out the idea of insuring all those that the new Healthcare plan insured. That's a quick way to eliminate the so called, Obama Healthcare plan. Again something only a Republican could love, and not all of them. So, where does all the rest of the savings come from, and how do we make up for the tax cuts for the rich? To tell the truth, I think there's some of that fuzzy math involved. Of course Congressman Ryan assures everyone there's no smoke and mirrors to this plan, but just remember he is a politician. I've got a plan that would allow for those tax cuts, along with tax cuts for the middle class and the poor. Of course my plan would not be well liked by the likes of Mr. Ryan, but it would save Social Security, Medicare and Medcaid as well as all of the current entitlements, defense, and give everybody a raise and a sizable tax refund. It could pay off the national debt in two years, Mr Ryan's plan wouldn't do that until, maybe, the end of the century. What ya do is you take all the money donated to political campaigns and PACs and turn it over to the IRS. This plan would also provide funding for all national, state and local campaigns and still have money left to fund NPR, PBS and family planning for everyone, whether they want it or not it. Why, we could even finish building that useless fence along our southern border. Not to mention both party's national conventions, also useless. Think about it. Now if we could only institute it in time to get the 2011 budget funded before 2011 runs out. Another idea would be to outlaw politicians. Think about that one.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Like Politics, Don't You? I Guess I Just Like Fiction.

Did you know that there has been a 60% increase in weather? Okay, so that makes no sense. Weather is already 100%. Well how about if I told you there's been a 60% increase in bad weather? Oh, I know, there's no scientific data that I'm aware of to support that statement. At least none that I know of. But that doesn't stop me from saying it. In fact pretty much anybody can claim pretty much anything they want, even publicly, and get away with it. Now I suppose you're going to tell me that people don't often get away with it because somebody out there will always question them or challenge such wild statements. And you'd be right. Except when it comes to weather, especially bad weather, and politics. If you get ten inches of snow, you can claim you got fifteen and nobody questions it. In fact they usually say they either got none or twenty inches. Same in politics. A politician can make almost any preposterous claim and another politician will claim bigger, better, or more, or smaller, less, or insignificant. The difference is that in politics, the other side will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that you're wrong and they're right. But then the other side will show that the proof is on they're side. Well boys and girls, that's exactly where we are now. The Democrats know that the debt we face is not insurmountable provided we spur job growth first. The Republicans will prove that we can spur job growth only if we curb the debt. The Tea Party wing of the Republican party only wants to beat Obama, the Democrats and all the rest of the Republican party no matter what. How does all this affect us? Why, we're caught in the middle. Each has it's own set of lies and truths. The lies are what the other side claims you have and the truths are what they see as the truth. Are you confused? Well cheer up. That's exactly what they all want you to be. If you understood all this, you'd be an informed voter. And none of them want that. I can only suggest that you not accept anything any of them say, unless you check it out. And don't check it out on their own networks. Fox is Republican, MSNBC is Democrat and nobody is strictly Tea Party. And in spite of what you may hear, PBS and NPR are neutral. Or at least they are honest enough to air both sides.