Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Friends, As A Politician, I Asure You.

Here's an example of how well our government is working these days. You recall the so called "Super Committee" set up last Summer to come up with a plan to decrease our debt and deficit? Uh huh, well to spur them on toward success in that effort, it was decided that if they were unsuccessful, perish the thought, then automatic cuts would kick in. But not just to the favorite whipping posts of one side or the other. Nope, it would cut from the favorites of both sides. Social Security and Medicare on the one side, defense on the other side. Well, we're fast approaching the game time and neither side of the "Super Committee" is being super. In fact they're being the same old, same old. But don't let that concern you, because a slew of bills have surfaced in the House and Senate to replace military budget cuts with budget cuts to other "unspecified" programs. Notice how the other "Unspecified Programs" aren't specified. That's because they'd like to make those decisions after the vote. Less debating and they can sneak in whatever they want. And you thought they were dumb. See, the thing is this, just because the congress said it would do one thing, doesn't mean they'll do it. It could just as well mean they'll do something else. Most likely the opposite of what they voted to do. The nice part of being a politician, especially in Washington, is that you do or undo just about anything you feel like doing or undoing. That's why you should always trust a politician to do what he or she promises to do. It's like the old joke: Ya know when a politician is telling a lie? When his mouth is open. Now that's a bit unfair. After all, there are politicians whose word is good. It's just hard to figure out who he gave that good word to. Well, actually that's not true. You can bet that whoever gave him or her the most in campaign donations and who is most likely to give even more is the one that will get that good word. My guess is that it won't be me. And I'll bet it won't be you either.

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