Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Poll Is Better Than Your Poll.

I keep hearing in the polls that 75% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Okay, I can buy that. But just what direction are they talking about. Is it that there is more polarization in American politics than at any time in many decades? Because I agree with that. Is it possible that  people feel our foreign policy is wrong? Because it looks to me like that's the one bright spot. Maybe it's our financial industry that seems to have screwed up the country while profiting immensely. To go with that we have done so little to place strong checks and balances on banks that are too large to fail and even banks that aren't too big to fail. Likely folks are mad we haven't been successful at creating jobs. Well, that's true. Or how about the fact the we've allowed much of the rest of the world to leap frog ahead of us in education? That's part of the problem with jobs. Is that the direction they're upset about? Because if it isn't, it should be. If folks are mad about that, they're right to be mad. Is it the debt and deficit or out of control spending? Or maybe it's immigration or the courts, or too much money in politics or global warming or alternative energy or food prices or the speeding ticket you just got or more on education, or even all of the above? Don't ya just love pollsters who don't ask the questions that would be helpful? Saying people are unhappy about the direction and stopping there isn't kidding me. They either don't know what questions to ask or they have an agenda they're afraid the answers might not support. Hey pollsters, did you know that America isn't actually moving at all. It's still right here in the same old place in North America? So if you're going to ask if we're headed in the wrong direction, let's find out what direction that is. And then let's find out exactly what direction people would like us to head in. Because you're not helping. You're just taking up time and space. And frankly, we have better things to do with our time and space. And, if you're trying to help politicians, be advised, politicians really don't pay any attention to polls unless they favor the politicians in question.

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