Friday, May 20, 2011

Politicians Are Pretty Good People? Says Who?

Ya know, I may pick on politicians, but they're actually pretty good people, by and large. Oh there are some who should be in  jail and there are some who just aren't so nice and, yes, there are even some who are just plain stinkers. So, even though that doesn't leave too many, they're actually pretty good people. Well then, how come they don't seem to get the idea that the general public is about fed up with them? Here's the thing. Everybody has differing ideas about ideology. That's good. That's what makes America strong. Problem is, politicians think extremes for some reason. If some folks demand fiscal responsibility before anything, some politicians jump on it. If other folks think social concerns above all else, some politicians jump on that. Where the real problem is, is that there are too many politicians focusing on these extremes and too few are focusing on what's really eating folks. That's jobs. Take energy for instance. On the one hand if some get the idea of working toward clean energy for health's sake, others see great costs to existing industries which translates into huge job losses, but don't believe in huge new job opportunities in clean energy jobs. This is further supported by dirty energy companies who spend millions on keep the status quo. Now most everybody agrees that we're going to have to do it someday. They just don't see the advantage to doing it now as opposed to "someday". In the meantime, other countries are spending huge sums supporting these new emerging clean industries and we're falling far behind. Behind is not a place we're accustomed to being. I think that if we could get the corporate money out of the equation, we could actually get to the answer fairly quickly. Oh like that'll happen.

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