Tuesday, May 10, 2011

NRA And Terrorists Go Together Like Sun And Shine.

Now here's an item for my famed website "SneakyLeaks". Secretly lifted from the pages of the NYTimes. Did you know that first responders at the Twin Towers on 9-11 who need medical care as a result of working at ground zero, must first be checked against the "terrorist watch list". Not only that, but you remember that the list is consulted before you can board an airplane. Well thank goodness you don't have to have your name checked against that list when you want to buy an assault rifle. Or even a couple of dozen assault rifles. Not even at any gun store in the country. Boy does that make things easier. After all, good honest upright terrorists are tired of being tested and checked every time they want to do something menacing. Yessiree bob. It's a relief to know that somebody cares about terrorists. After all, they just might be members in good standing of the NRA. And we all know that if you are a paid up member of the NRA, you should be able to buy any gun you want, any time you want, for whatever purpose you want. And here's another good reason to be delighted. You don't have to have your name checked against the
"terrorist watch list" to join the NRA. It's like that old "Monopoly Game" card called GET OUT OF JAIL FREE. You can go past GO and collect your $200 or a gun of your choice. Let's hear it for the NRA and Congress. Hip Hip rat-a-tat-tat.

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