Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Come Education Is Getting It In The Head.

Education in America continues to have problems. Starting with New Jersey where the state supreme court has told the governor he can't cut funding to schools if that means cutting the educational opportunities for students, especially students at risk. But a number of other states have cut funding for schools in a variety of ways, all in the interest of eliminating shortfalls in their budgets. The question is this; Is cutting funding for education a good way to preserve the future for our young people? Will they be better off with a lessor education? We know that the wealthy will be better off, because otherwise the only thing left in many cases is to increase their taxes. But the thing is, if the young people are less educated for the future, will they also be less prepared as workers for the wealthy who claim to be the job creators? What does a lessor education mean in terms of earnings power for the future, for industry and it's need for more skilled workers, and for the government, when lower tax revenues from lower incomes will mean higher taxes or lesser services? I really can see no good coming from cutting funding for education. Now I understand the idea that more money doesn't necessarily translate into a better education, but as I've said, less funding doesn't translate into a better education either. In fact, I believe the opposite is true. My reasoning is that when a school district is forced to cut something, it isn't always where the harm will be the least, but rather where the more popular will be preserved. Schools shouldn't be about what's popular, but what will provide for the best education. Where we need to increase funding is where there can be independent thinking on the part of students. I'm convinced that's where we lack leadership in education. That and problem solving. Both of which go hand in hand.

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