Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Education Instead Of Politicians, For Corporations.

While everyone is focused on the Bin Laden story, I'm looking at the future of America. So, with states and the Federal government trying to figure out how to cut back on education spending, I've come to the conclusion that we need to spend a whole lot of money on alchemy research. Cause we're gonna need to start turning rocks into gold. Problem is, with that much new gold, it'll probably not be worth much more then the rocks. Really. We need to figure out how to spend more on education, but we need to figure out how to spend it all, wisely. I think we should double down on taxes on all corporations. But then give them big tax cuts for working with high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools. If they hire teachers and buy equipment in the areas of expertize needed to manufacture their products, we cut their taxes by 60%. Of course this will only work if the corporations actually pay taxes. So toward this end, all tax loopholes for corporations would need to be done away with. Harsh yes, but necessary. Probably the first loophole we need to do away with is the idea that corporations are persons. Sorry Supreme Court, but this is too important to skip. After all, it's not like corporations have souls. Next we do away with corporate sponsorship of politicians and their campaigns. Once we do that, campaigns can be run on a twenty dollar bill. With enough left over to buy a cup of coffee and a doughnut. Make mine glazed, like my eyes.

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