Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who's Working On This, Anyway?

Oh my goodness. How long is it going to take to clean up the mess from the Gulf oil spill? Hey, they haven't even stopped the spill yet. And by many estimates it'll be the end of summer before that happens, if then. But that's not the half of it. Just from one beach in Fourchon Beach, La. they've collected and carted off to landfills, 250 tons of oily trash, 175,000 gallons of liquid waste and 11,276 cubic yards of solid waste, all oily remains from this spill. One beach. Yessiree folks a landfill near you. Now, I don't want to be a killjoy, but what happens to this stuff in these landfills? How do we know this stuff won't leech into the water table. You know, the place where people get their drinking water. Can't this stuff be burned? What if it was used to generate electricity? I mean, is it spoiled because it came in contact with seawater? Or sand? I suppose it would be costly to refine it enough to burn. Like it isn't costly to just dump it into landfills and sit and wait for it to pollute the drinking water and then spend billions more to get it out. There are lots of people in government just sitting around collecting paychecks. Why aren't these people assigned the task of figuring out what to do with problems like this? I mean, we've got these people from nine to five, or ten to four, or whatever, why not let them earn their keep, so to speak. Maybe it isn't in their job description. Maybe it should be in their job description. You know. Earn your keep. Somehow, someway. Figure out how to solve a problem. Any problem. How about the oil spill thing. How about thinking about that, instead of what you're going to do on the weekend.

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