Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't Shed A Tear For BP Just Yet.

Be prepared folks. You're about to meet that pig with the lipstick. No, I'm not talking about any politician. BP and the oil industry is pulling all the plugs out. They're firing up the face powder, eye shadow and yes, even the lipstick. They're hiring PR people and lobbyists, the best that money can buy. How Come, you ask? They're afraid that congress is going to start to get tough with them and maybe even pass some legislation the oil companies see as being unfavorable. Now, don't get too worried, nobody is going to get too hard on the oil companies. After all, they're the darlings of more than one elected official. That's right. There are a fair number of politicians who owe their jobs to the oil companies. If these folks like that Rep. Barton from Texas get their way, no harm will come to the oil companies. You know, the guy who apologized to BP's president for the way Obama shook him down for $20 billion to help the folks along the Gulf Coast. I don't know about you, but I think they must feel a little guilty if they allowed themselves to be talked out of $20 billion to cover their own screw up. I mean, it wasn't the government that was and is in deep water. Well, maybe it is, but that doesn't mean that BP isn't too. Well, anyway, BP and all the other oilslicks are hiring all the best greaseballs to sell the public on the idea that they're the good guys and the folks in Washington and on the Gulf Coast are the bad guys. Before they're done, people from all over the country will be sending in contributions to the "Save The Oil Slicks" superfund. Little children will be selling lemonade on the street corners to help the poor downtrodden Oil corporations. Kinda brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? Don't worry, it's just the lemon juice in your eye.

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