Friday, June 25, 2010

Wadda Ya Mean It Can't Happen Again.

I don't know. Did you read the judges reasons for cutting off the six months moratorium on drilling in deep water in the Gulf of Mexico? I'm sorry, but it sounded more like the oil companies decision then a judges. Now, I understand how many people are affected by this shutdown. Not just employees of the oil companies, but their suppliers and servicing vendors and ancillary companies. it's a lot of people out of work. On the other hand, the gulf oil spill is putting as lot of people out of work too, and another accident would pretty much seal the fate of that whole part of the country. The judge thinks that just because one accident happened doesn't mean another one will too. And he's right. But it doesn't mean one won't either. And given the history that has come to light about the oil industry and it's apparent lack of interest in doing anything to make sure these kinds of things can't happen, or that they can fix it if one does, I'd say the odds are on the side of another explosion. I mean, rhetoric alone doesn't stop accidents or make it easier to clean them up. If it were, I could drive down the interstate, blindfolded, by just saying that I've been down that road before so it's safe for me to take a nap. Do you suppose a judge would buy that excuse? Well how come he bought the oil companies excuses? Oh. You mean they have more money then me? So they can buy, uh, hire better lawyers then me? Well maybe so, but right is right, right?

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