Friday, August 3, 2012

The Chamber of Commerce Hates Cyber Security.

Cyber Security. Boy there's a word you didn't hear about back when JFK or the Reagon, or even Bill Clinton was in office. But they say that a cyber attack could screw up our water supply or electric supply or our defense. So I have to say that it must be important. That's why representatives of this and the previous administrations have lobbied congress to pass into law a bill that will help protect our country from such an attack. And to our great good luck, congress agrees on it's importance. That's why the Senate just failed to pass such a bill because of a filibuster. The bill would have caused some sharing of information between government and private sector industry. Now in spite of the fact that we need such protection, the Senate couldn't get the 60 votes necessary to end the filibuster. So on the same side we have the government, past and present, pushing for the bill. Who in the world would be against it? It seems that the Chamber of Commerce is against it. They claim it might cost corporations too much money to provide such protections to water supplies and electric service. I wonder how much it would cost them if there were to be a cyber attack? I'll bet the answer is that it wouldn't cost them a dime. That's because they'd come running to to government to rebuild those systems at taxpayer expense, with a little something extra thrown in for the company. But think about it. These companies the Chamber is trying to protect are considered public utilities. They are guaranteed a fixed profit. Why does the Chamber of Commerce care when the taxpayers pay for it, now or later? Let the people decide.

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