Friday, August 17, 2012

My Capital Gain Gets Taxed Higher Than Yours.

Here's one of the really big controversy's of the day. Capital Gains Taxes. Just how unfair are they and to whom are they unfair? Some say the tax is unfair because you already paid taxes on that money and now they want to tax it again. WRONG! The capital gains tax is not on the money you already earned, it's on the money made off that investment money. Here's anther one; it's not fair to folks who work hard and have to pay a higher rate. The reason for a lower rate on capital gains is so wealthy investors will keep their money here in America. But look at Romney, he only pays 14% or less in total while a secretary puts in long hard days going bug-eyed over a computer. One of the real problems comes from the "Carried Interest" tax exemption. Money managers, like Romney's income from Bain, doesn't get taxed like normal income. It's taxed as if it were capital gains. Then if you're wealthy enough and smart enough, you can use additional tax shelters that allow you to defer paying taxes for years. Oh, it's all completely legal. It's just that these shelters and exemptions or aimed squarely at the wealthy. I mean if you qualify for food stamps, you're still legally permitted to try to use these loopholes, but then you don't have any money to hide. If you had enough money to hide, you wouldn't qualify for food stamps. So in actual practice, only rich people can use these loopholes. What this country needs is for the tax code to be more fair. Lets say that any and all income is capital gains. That's because even a one dollar bill is capital. So either that or stop giving the rich all these extra loopholes and shelters, especially shelters, so we can lower the rate for everyone. Problem is, rich folks don't want to lose their shelters and loopholes and exemptions, and they've got the money to fight any proposal put forward to do so. And lets face it, money speaks louder than poor people can holler.

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