Sunday, August 12, 2012

No Good Guy Awards For This.

Well, there they go again. The Chinese tried to purchase some extremely hard metal called maraging steel from American companies. This stuff is used almost exclusively for the production of nuclear materials. Like for making nuclear bombs. You know, like  B O O M ! But the characters who were trying to buy this stuff, claimed it was to make playground equipment. What they didn't say is that they were buying it for Iran. And if you make a bet that Iran wanted it for it's nuclear weapons industry, I'm pretty sure you'll win the bet. Now China claims they're helping to impose sanctions on Iran, in fact they're buying less oil from Iran. But that's because they can buy oil just as cheap elsewhere and it makes them look good. But they still have profiteers in China working hard to get around those sanctions. Next you hear lots of folks saying that China is a friend and a great marketplace for our exports. And that's true. They're happy to get our exports. Exports like jobs, technology, entire industries, critical supplies of products they can't make. All of those kinds of exports they want from us. In return, they are even more happy to send us defective, contaminated cheap junk. Which for some reason we Americans just can't get enough of. We even buy our Olympic uniforms from them. I suppose that's fitting. Why shouldn't we show respect for the country that will wind up owning us one of these days. Now you may gather that I'm not a fan of China from this entry. But when you look at the
American companies that rush to China to build their factories and the technology they're willing to hand over for the privilege of sending their companies over there, you just might find room to agree.

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