Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let's Not Argue, Let's Compromise.

There's been a great deal of rhetoric over the rules covering contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Healthcare law, more often called Obamacare, and the requirement that religious organizations must provide it, free of cost, to their employees. Now both sides of the issue have, for the most part, stated their willingness to compromise. Hmm, if that's so, then I have two questions. Why are so many screaming about it and secondly, why haven't they sat down and done it? Compromise, that is. Of course it's not supposed to take effect until 2013 so there's no real big rush. Hey congress never does anything until the midnight hour. They don't believe in rushing to get things done by the eleventh hour. Now I have a suggestion, but some will think it's harsh. Oh well, I'll tell you anyway. My suggestion is to give in completely to religious concerns and remove that requirement for them. But with one provision. That is that since this is a separation of church and state question, that we separate church and state and agree that the church (es) never threaten any legislator with any retaliation over how they may or may not vote for any legislation. That means no excommunications, no refusal of any services. It's all about separation of church and state. I was at church this morning and we talked about our congregation and it's expectations. I pointed out to the pastor that while he's looked upon sort of as our cliff notes, for most of the congregation, his notes are only needed once or twice a year. We'd all be a lot better off, if more folks came for his and other's cliff notes a lot more often. And then practiced what they heard. See, it's not that I don't like churches, I do, and I think there should be room for many areas of differences of thinking. I don't think anybodies got a lock on all the answers. We may go about things differently, but we're all headed in the same direction. I hope.

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