Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We Do What With Our Foreign Aid?

I just found out something that I still can't quite understand. Everybody knows that China really isn't our friend. It never has been and it isn't likely to be our friend for a very long long time, if ever. They send us poison tainted products, steal our trade and military secrets, hack into our industrial technology and vote against our attempts to make the world safer, in the United Nations, just to name a few. They also hold nearly a trillion dollars of our debt. None of this is, however, all that new. But here's something else that's not very new. And I'll bet most of you didn't know this. Each year for over a decade, in fact it's going on almost two decades, we're sending foreign aid to China. That's right. We borrow money from China, and pay interest on it, and then turn around and send China foreign aid, for free. And I'm not talking about peanuts. We're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Some years it's been over a billion. Heck, we even give Russia nearly a billion. In fact we send foreign aid to at least four of the ten wealthiest countries in the world. Now I happen to think that it's important for America to help other countries who are trying to dig themselves out from being among the poorest countries and help them get on their feet. But I don't think China happens to fit in that category. Not even Russia. And while I don't think that these countries we help must support America in everything, even if it hurts their country, I also don't think that proven enemies are deserving of our gifts of help. Especially when they obviously don't need it. And even more obviously when they send us their toxic waste and steal from us. But congresses have continued to approve it, as well as presidents and state departments and a whole bunch of other departments. Helloooo? Does anyone read what they sign down there in Washington ? Helloooo? I don't think they can hear me. I think that's part of the problem with Washington. In fact I think that's the whole problem with Washington.

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