Monday, August 8, 2011

Am I Dreaming Or What?

There are two things I have to say tonight. First I have to say that you may have noticed that I don't take our legislators very seriously. The reason for that is that they don't take their jobs seriously. Either that or they don't respect the people they're supposed to be serving. In which case I'm not showing them respect. When you consider the job they've been doing the last few months, I don't expect to be giving them any credit either. You don't give someone credit for doing a bad job. You find fault with them. You could even give them a scolding. And hopefully you give them the boot in the next election. Personally I hope their life savings went down the tubes in the Stock Market. And how do we take their pension away along with their benefits? Can you imagine? You couldn't dream up something like this.
The other thing I want to bring to your attention was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight. A regular on the show, John Oliver, did a piece about a couple who bought a home in Florida. They paid cash for the home. Then along came Bank of America who had decided to foreclose on the home. Did you remember they had paid cash and so therefore had no mortgage. No matter, Bank Of America continued. The couple sued BOA but only after being turned down by three lawyers. Finally a young lawyer who had only been a lawyer for eight months took the case. They won the suite, including an extra $3000 for their trouble. BOA refused to pay the $3000 so the couple and their lawyer filed the paperwork, got the sheriff and two repo men and foreclosed on a BOA branch office. They took everything that wasn't nailed down. Furniture, copiers, computers, carts, stool, drawers, everything. Now, unfortunately that's all of the story they showed on the Daily Show, but can you imagine? You couldn't dream up something like this.

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