Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sue The Bums!

       Imagine for a minute Donald Trump as president. America finds itself at war with China over the south China Sea. The fight is growing in intensity and the costs are escalating alarmingly. Mr. President what should we do? "Sue China and declare bankruptcy both at the same time. It will so surprise China to be sued by the best lawyers in the world and frighten them over the loss of our debt to them that they'll capitulate."
       Now that may sound sarcastic, but when you come right down to it, Donald Trump's whole life business experience revolves around these two tactics. Well those two tactics and his persona, his interactions with competitors and employees. His position has allowed him to be overly forceful in his dealings. And anyone who has the temerity to disagree or fail to succumb to his demands finds themselves under withering attack by non other than 'The Donald.'
       That may work in his business world, but here on this earth, it won't work with the leaders of countries who see themselves as very important personages. Can you imagine Mr. Putin listening to this or any of a hundred or so other world leaders?  I can't imagine the fallout from those leaders being subjected to such talk. America is great and powerful, but Trumps trash talk would so alienate these leaders and their countries from America that I'm not sure we could handle that many fights either militarily or financially.
Our world leadership depends on our good relations with many other countries. We can't afford to lose the advantages of that leadership or those good relationships. Our economy depends on them. Anyone who thinks we'd be better off in isolation doesn't understand this world and our place in  it.

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