Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hey, Wait A Minute.

       I just saw a political ad for Pat Toomey. According to the ad, Senator Toomey sponsored a bill to require all employees of schools to have background checks. Of course I thought in Pennsylvania the schools are already required to have such background checks. Even daycare schools, and any business charged with the care of our children.
       It's great that Mr. Toomey wants to protect our children in school. What I can't understand is why our Senator Toomey isn't concerned about people who might want to break into a school like Sandy hook and kill 20 kids? Maybe gun toting terrorists aren't as big a problem as child molesters. To my mind both are a serious threat to our kids.
       Mr. Toomey, why do you cow-tow to the NRA against the people you were elected to represent? Don't you feel we're as important as gun manufacturers' profits? Maybe you should get a job with the NRA and leave us alone. We'd be a lot better off without you. Between the NRA and Wall Street, you seem to be too busy to care about us anyway.

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