Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Records Get Set And Broken.

       Well, there ya have it. America is losing the race to keep it's middle class the highest paid in the world. America is now number 2 behind Canada, with several other countries closing in. Of course our wealthiest class is still way up there in good shape. But did you also know that our poor class is paid less than several European countries? Well they are. Our poor people are poorer than in some other countries. So at least we lead in some categories.
       How is it though, that we think we excel compared to the rest of the world? Why do we think we're the best, but don't think our middle class and poor class should be paid as though they're the best? I think it's because the wealthy class thinks the reason we're the best is because of their efforts alone. If you or I were to accomplish something all by ourselves, we might not want to share the glory with someone we don't think is deserving.
       So if you're the CEO and your company sets records in profits, why should you share those profits with the folks who made the products? The answer is, in most cases, you don't. It wasn't always like that. If you look back to America thirty, forty years ago, companies handled this kind of honor as an honor for all the employees.
       But then somebody started the race. Some CEO probably started bragging about how much more he made than the next guy. Next thing you know, tax rates started to change for the better for the wealthy and worse for everybody else. Then, presto not long before we've lost our leadership in the pay scale for the middle class and poor but increased that pay scale for the rich. I wish I knew who that CEO was. I'd skin him alive and snake him bald headed.

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