Sunday, April 6, 2014

A new Idea To Spur The Economy.

       As I started reading the New York Times this morning one article caught my eye. Citizenship for cash in Malta stirs Security Concerns is the title of the piece. It seems this island in the Mediterranean Sea has decided to sell citizenship for the paltry sum of $1.57 million. Some folks are concerned by this, partly because Malta has outsourced the necessary background checks to a private company that stands to make millions by approving everybody who wants it.
       Ya know, I'm surprised America hasn't given this a try. We do enjoy outsourcing things like jobs. and it would certainly create some real fun to watch certain states scrambling to come up with photo IDs for all these new citizens. Just imagine the polling place on voting day when some Saudi Arabian prince steps up to the keeper of the list of valid voters and in his own language gives his name. Imagine the look on the elderly lady who keeps staring at this white robed, bearded, dark skinned foreigner who wants to vote. how about the, under the breath, epithets being directed at this guy.
       But all jokes aside, for a second, think of all the money to be made by America, and what about the company assigned the task of doing the background checks? Some firm in India, no doubt. But what kind of price could we get. Malta has some real advantages, tax wise as well as other perks. It's an island in the Mediterranean for goodness sakes. Fun in the sun and all that. What do we have to offer? Our great Southwest is suffering under extreme drought, the whole of the north of the country is frozen over for half the year and the southeast and midwest keep having tornados.
       We've got a government so frozen in conflict that nothing can be accomplished, our tax laws are too complicated for anyone to fully understand, our education is slipping to middling, our healthcare has been too costly for all but the rich. Congress is all fogged in, and nobody seems to want anyone else to vote. So who would want American Citizenship if they knew all this? Maybe we could entice some folks to join if we offered a free vacation trip to Malta.

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