Friday, April 18, 2014

Another Bundy In Trouble.

       It's hard to imagine. In fact it's almost impossible to imagine, but I somewhat agree with Glen Beck. I know, I know, he's got several screws loose and a few missing altogether, but on this one issue and only one part of it, I agree. I'm speaking of this Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who's been grazing his cows on protected federal lands for years. The BLM has successfully sued him several times in court but he still won't remove his cows or pay any rent.
       So the Bureau of Land Management sent in federal agents to take the cows. That's when Bundy rounded up a bunch of ultra conservative militia types to get the cows back.  Glen Beck has gone on record as disagreeing with bringing violence into the mix. He has said there is no excuse for introducing the kind of blind anger and attempted violence these militia men bring with them. Beck did go on to say the rancher was on sound principled grounds with his unwillingness to submit to the BLM or the courts, but he's against violence.
       Well good for Glen Beck and his stand against violence, but he's still way off on siding with this deluded rancher who thinks he can do as he pleases with the people's property. It just simply isn't his own private grazing land, ya know. I mean if he can do it and not pay the consequences, then what would stop me from buying a few cows and having them fatten up on some federal lands anywhere in the country. Come to think of it, Steamtown National Monument is federal and I'm sure there's some grass somewhere on the property. Why can't I keep some goats there? Or does it have to be cows?
       If Bundy is right and he does have the right to use any government land any way he pleases, then he might find himself in deep doodoo because every citizen within a thousand miles can put some cows next to his. The cows would be shoulder to shoulder and the grass would be all gone in about three minutes. Just wait till those militia types get the ideas to put their own cows on that land. If Bundy complained, he'd get a visit from those malicious militias.

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