Monday, April 1, 2013

Look! There's An Elephant In The Yard. April Fool.

       Ahhh, today is April first. April fools day. So what exactly is an April fool, or perhaps the correct question should be, WHO is an April fool? This seems to be the easier question to answer. An April fool is someone who gets fooled by other people into believing a lie for the express purpose of being able to say APRIL FOOL. I mean, that's it. There's no big payoff. Just call somebody else an April Fool.  I love it.
       Some people are April fools all year long. They never get it. You can stick a note on their backs that says kick me and all they do is tell people not to kick them. They're insensitive to the pain and the plan. These folks never figure out what's happening. Voters are April fools. They listen to campaign promises and they take note of what the campaigners are wearing and how well groomed their hair is. But in the end they vote for the wrong candidate. No matter which candidate they vote for.
        Then you have the perpetrators of the April fool. They're known as April foolers. They're always trying to play tricks on other people. Politicians are such perpetrators. They make promises and they seemingly fight the good fight. Then they rush to their donors to reassure them it's all in fun. They never meant to do any of the good they promised, honest. If they get elected, and invariably some do, they go to Washington and they do exactly as they please. No, that's not exactly true. They do as they're told to do by those donors.
       I think that in the next election we should all vote for a rock. Just think, a rock would never tell you a lie. Rocks can't even filibuster. Imagine the shock on the faces of all those politicians if a bunch of rocks got elected. You might think that nothing would get done in Washington if all we had was a bunch of rocks in Congress, mightn't you? Wouldn't be much different than now, would it? 
       Ya see, April Fools day isn't just for fools and foolers, it's for all of us.

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