Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's Your Bees Wax.

       Well. bees are back in the news. Now pesticide manufacturers think it's none of our bees wax. But they're wrong. Bees are our wax or at least bees are our business. They're necessary to our food chain. And nearly every other animal's food chain. The problem is the bees are dying off. In 2012, it is reported that of the commercial hives in this country, nearly half of the bee population died. Half the hives are empty.
       Now a company faced with half it's workforce gone would begin to wonder why. They'd also demand that the other half work double shifts. But it's hard to get the remaining bees to work twice as hard. I mean, just like the old saying, bees are as busy as bees already. Now, a company that lost half it's employees would try to hire new employees. But where ya gonna get more bees to hire?
       Well it seems that one of the problems causing bee deaths is a relatively new pesticide inserted into or affixed to seeds. These pesticides remain for the life of the plant.  Which means from seed to harvested and consumed veggie or fruit. So like I said once before, you're eating this stuff right along with the bees. They claim that the bees lose their ability to find their way back to the hive. Therefore they die.
        Have you noticed any loss of direction yet? If not, perhaps you haven't been eating your veggies and fruit as recommended by your doctor. Of course it may not affect you at all, but what about your children and grandchildren? Might they start wandering away from home? And not coming back? In fact don't they do that already along about 18 or so?
       But seriously folks, there's no decision out there to stop using these dangerous pesticides. The manufacturers claim they're safe. But what if they're not. And there's good reason to believe they aren't safe. Wouldn't it be nice to know that the EPA is doing something about it? Yes, it would be nice, but they're not.

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