Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What A Great Campaign He's Waging.

Okay. What have you been learning from the two campaigns for president? What do you think of the two varying grand plans for our economy and taxation, budget cutting, debt and deficit reduction and all the important issues being clearly and carefully and thoughtfully discussed by the candidates both for president and congress? What's that you say? You think they haven't said anything clearly or carefully or thoughtfully about anything? Well except for their opponent's inability to do the job? Of course there's still lots of time. We could yet hear one or both sides clearly state their plan for the future of our country without suggesting that the only way to save the country is to throw all the bums from the other party out. That's pretty much what our electoral process has devolved to. Don't suggest anything new or remotely workable in case somebody doesn't like that idea and decides to donate money to your opponent. This is pretty much what David Brooks said today in the New York Times. And ya know what? He's pretty much right on the mark. Instead of clearly stating what their vision for a better America is and even more importantly, how we can attain that vision, the candidates find it more productive to just bash their opponent. There is a method to this madness though. See, if you don't suggest anything, nobody can point out how stupid it is. Even if it isn't stupid at all. Even if it's a great idea. Because, the thinking goes, even if it is a great idea, the opponent will bash you for it and then if elected, use it himself. And wouldn't that be the tragedy for all times.

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