Saturday, March 3, 2012

How Come 'Extreme' Is A Good Word?

The way I see it is Democrats are saddled with President Obama and his fortunes. Or misfortunes. Republicans are saddled with Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh and their fortunes, misfortunes or misstatements. The thing is, if the economy does well, Obama will get another four years. If the economy tanks or gas prices shoot up, he's in for a bumpy ride. But in the case of Republicans, if they continue to hang onto the no new tax pledge, they'll get hurt. If Mr Limbaugh continues to make really dumb misstatements, and they refuse to abandon him, they don't stand a chance. Ya know, if Rush's mom could hear him talk, she'd wash his mouth out with soap. I know, because all moms used to do that when their son's talked like he's talking. Either that or it was "come in here young man, you're getting pepper on your tongue". I'll bet he thinks his mom can't hear him. Well I've got news for him. Moms always hear us say what we're not supposed to say. And then there's Rick Santorum. I read this morning, that the best thing for the Republicans would be for Mr. Santorum to be their nominee because they would lose by a landslide and that would end the extreme right's hold on the party. Well be that as it may, I still think extremists in their ranks will cost them the election no matter who is nominated, unless Mr Obama runs into a horrible string of bad luck. The problem is, if he runs into bad luck, it means we did too. Frankly, I've seen enough bad luck in this country to last for a decade or two. I don't follow the thinking that if only the country would have more problems, Obama would lose and we'd all be saved by extreme Republicans. It's not so much the Republican as it is the extreme that concerns me. If extreme is such a good thing, how come we're not cheering for Al Qaida instead of fighting it? Wouldn't you think we should be facilitating terrorists if we think extreme is a good thing? Don't get me wrong, the Democrats have had their times when they were overly extreme and will probably soon head in that direction again, if they're not there already. What is it that draws people to become extreme when it comes to politics or religion? Maybe it's because you're not supposed to discuss either in polite company. I'll bet that's it. Everybody wants what they can't have.

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