Friday, March 23, 2012

Alas. Cool Cars Nevermore.

There was an article in the New York Times today about why young people have lost interest in cars these days. Yep, new car sales to young people are down. Are you surprised at that news? I ask, because when you look at the lineup of new cars a young person might be able to buy, or would consider buying and then compare them with back when the Mustang or the Camero first came out, you might begin to get an idea of why kids aren't all that excited about what's being offered to them. And no, I'm not talking about just muscle cars. In fact the earliest Mustang was not particularly muscular. That came later. But they had that look. The look that said I'm cool, my car's cool and that makes me cool. Cars today say something more like "I'm an egghead" or "I'm a nerd". Now being an egghead or a nerd isn't so much a bad thing, but even eggheads and nerds would like to have a cool car. The thing is, Detroit found out, a number of years ago, that SUVs made them a lot more money than cool cars did. So they must have put their best people on developing the biggest personal SUVs they could and whoever was left, got whatever money was left to design "just cars". That's right. They forgot to tell those leftovers to design "just cool cars". I don't know, maybe it was decided or determined that in order to design a fuel efficient car, it would need to be nerdy. You know, boxy, short, fat, stubby,pretty much unassuming. I think the thinking is that you shouldn't make a car that's efficient, and safe, look like a muscle car. Why not? Why can't a fuel efficient, high tech car with a small four cylinder engine look like a cool car? Did they run out of design funding before they got to the outside? Maybe that's where they needed to start. Because that's where everybody looks first.

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