Sunday, March 18, 2012

Flexability My Foot.

Here in Pennsylvania we're blessed with a presidential candidate who doesn't believe in  college. Well at least not for young people not related to him. As if that weren't blessing enough, our cup is running over because of a Governor who is prepared to take those beliefs one step further. Governor Corbett seems to think elementary and high school are only for snobs as well. So in order to facilitate his theory, he has reduced funding for pubic schools and now seems intent on defunding school buses. You see, the theory follows that if children can't get to school, they won't be tempted to become snobbish. This all fits neatly into the needs of modern manufacturing practices where robotics do the hard stuff while uneducated, low paid worker (drones) do those menial tasks more suited to them. Now I know, some of you will disagree with my words. Actually you'll disagree with my statements not the words by themselves. But hear me out. If funding for school buses is cut, school districts will have to figure out how to replace that funding. The choices are several. You could cut back on the number of teachers, again, you could provide neighborhood, one room schoolhouses, again, or you can cut transportation out all together. After all, while schooling is a guaranteed right, riding on a yellow school bus is not. So for families with only one car (to get to work) or one parent, getting the kids to school is not an easy task. In fact it could well be impossible. What if it comes down to dad, or mom, or both getting to work or getting the kids to and from school, or no money for food and a roof over their heads? I don't think that's a problem for the state to worry about, do you? It must not be, because the governor is cutting funds. Well actually that's not quite true. What he's doing is lumping transportation funding with several other, unrelated programs allowing for "flexibility" and cutting the overall funding. But here's the thing, if you have less money to split among several important areas of the budget and transportation costs are increasing substantially, exactly what or where is that flexibility? I think the flexibility rests solely with the governor. See, Mr. Corbett can flexibly sign a pledge not to increase any taxes. Then he can flexibly adhere to that pledge. Of course, parents can flexibly decide whether or not to educate their children. So you see? Flexibility does work.

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