Thursday, February 8, 2018

Court-mandering Made Easy.

       Pennsylvanians should all know that the State Supreme court instructed the state legislature to redraw all district lines because of the extensive gerrymandering done after the 2010 census. Both houses of the legislature are Republican controlled. To date nothing has been done. They waited for the U.S. Supreme court to overturn the Pa. court. It did not.
       Now there are two days left to accomplish the redraw and have the governor sign off on it. Did I mention the governor is a Democrat? Of course if the table was turned we'd be in the same boat. The draw to cheat is so pervasive in most governing bodies, that we can't win. But come Friday, if its not done, the State Supreme Court will do the redrawing. How refreshing.
       My hope is that it will teach the legislature a lesson. My fear is that it won't make a lasting impression on them at all. Why not? Because Republicans  and Democrats, left to their own devises and control over their own venues can't change. Its not in their DNA to change.
       There was a time when the two parties could sit down and hash out their differences. Most of you aren't old enough to remember that. And someday it will happen again, but not now. It'll take many elections over many years to change out the old tired tribalism for a new nationalism. When politicians will want to work for the betterment of society. What am I saying? Chances are that won't happen, unless we all get involved. So when do you suppose that might be?
       In the meantime, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will be setting the boundaries of the districts in this state. I'll bet your state could use some adjustments as well. Whatta you think?

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