Monday, October 3, 2016

The Ins And Outs And Ups And Downs.

       How does one go about losing nearly a billion dollars in one year? And if that year was 1995, it was almost undoubtedly more than he was worth back then. And to top it off that loss of more than he was worth allowed him to go 18 years without paying any federal income taxes at all. Nice work if you can get it. But how good a businessman are you if you lose that much money in a single year? And how many other years did he lose money?
       So he's right that the tax code needs to change. But his plan gives him and folks like him even more advantages while taking more advantages away from middle class tax payers, I'm told. Now I don't begrudge him a little help. After all, anyone who has lost nearly a billion dollars in one year certainly needs a little help. But I wouldn't recommend him for president. We're already far enough in debt as it is.
       And why is he all of a sudden after Hillary for her husband's infidelities and maybe, he says, hers too? I suppose its because she's hitting at him for his, along with a long list of his other outbursts. There's something wrong when neither candidate seems willing or able to talk about anything with substance about that which is most important to Americans. You know, like which superstar is getting ready to divorce their spouse.
       This election campaign is by far the most confusing campaign season I've ever experienced, so I guess its going exactly the way the candidates want it to go. After all, it wouldn't do for the public to get a headful of plans they can then pick apart. Actually it wouldn't be the public that would do the picking, the public has too much other information on its mind. Like that superstar's upcoming divorce. No it would have to be the media types, you know, the talking heads that'll have to do the heavy lifting of explaining what the candidates meant. Do you really trust that the talking heads know what they're talking about? After all, they don't agree with each other.

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