Monday, October 31, 2016

Elect Real Leaders.

       Ever notice how presidential candidates either don't mention how they plan to carry out their plans for the future of America or suggest they plan to work "across the isle" in order to make their plans work? Hah! They think you don't know how working across the isle is next to impossible. That's not an isle at all, its a demilitarized zone, complete with political mines-fields. Nobody gets across that DMZ without years of negotiations that fall apart from time to time because of elections.
       Its not the time to work across the isle, its time to begin peace talks. Lay down your sharpened tongues, unclench your tightened fists, throw down your arms. We're supposedly all Americans. Let's start treating each other like fellow citizens who can all enjoy the same rights. And let's all consider the idea that America is the land of immigrants. After all, our families were all once immigrants. Lets cure our immigration laws and realistically make our borders safe.
       If you want to make America great again, that's how to do it. Lets start be throwing out any legislator who doesn't want to work with the other elected legislators, for the good of the country. Being isolated from the other side cannot make America great. It can only destroy it, and by the way since you're likely in the minority, you won't like the outcome of your efforts. And remember, the majority rules, but to be successful it rules benignly not hatefully.

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