Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Four Seasons.

       I've come to realize there are four seasons to the Trump election campaign. To begin, I think Donald decided to run for president on a lark. He was at the top of his chosen profession and it seemed there was nothing he could not do, so why not run for president. He thought and still thinks he would make a wonderful president. Someone of his stature would be able to turn the country around and make it a profitable operation. Season One.
       Midway through the primaries Donald began to realize he could actually win. It gave him pause, did he actually want to tie himself down with all those uninteresting duties? YES! Because he has absolute confidence in his abilities. This is when he doubles down in badmouthing his opponents. Republican candidates and even the two Democratic candidates he might have to face. Any lie, any fabrication, no matter how outlandish, was on the table. Season Two.
       Now Donald is the GOP nominee. He need only badmouth one candidate, and its the one with the most baggage. It's almost too easy. Between her and her husband, he could fill a book with all the indiscretions and misstep blunders they've made. His base just ate up everything he said. Throw her in jail? A good idea and he's proud of it. Season Three.
       Then something began to change. Donald began to lose votes. Not his base, that base is resolutely behind him and knows the only way for him to lose would be if the system is rigged and he reinforces that impossibility. He begins to foster the idea of insurrection if he does lose. He begins to become crude as rudeness begins to show up in audio evidence. Season Four.
       Just stop and think of what Donald may have started in our country. Chaos and anarchy, if his base actually begins a revolution or anything like it. Donald has changed this country forever. He may have caused our country to begin to crumble.

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