Saturday, August 10, 2013

Who Would Have Guessed.

       Holy Moly, even China, China, is now starting an aggressive carbon cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gases and clear away it's pollution. Before we know it America will stand alone against the idea of the cap and trade plan. I suppose that's exactly where some folks want us to be, all alone. That way we can thumb our noses at the whole world.
       Obama would like to have a carbon cap and trade program, but there's just too many against the idea. So what's left for him to do? He has to defer to government restrictions. That's not popular either, but at least he has the authority to do the right thing to fight greenhouse gases. So here we are looking down the road at higher prices on energy instead of lower prices.
       Now I know that statement will cause a lot of disagreement, but it's pretty much a fact. What I can't figure out is why the folks who are against cap and trade think that way. After all most, if not all, of these folks are mostly interested in and in favor of business. They prefer the Market to government edict. Well, that's exactly what the cap and trade offers.
       Here's the deal; in a cap and trade program, a level of carbon emissions is set by the government. Then the government steps back and allows the market, business, to figure out how to meet or surpass that goal, or not. If you beat the mark, you can sell the extra to any company too lazy or stubborn to do the job. There is an incentive to find a better way. And hasn't that always been the American way?
       So a company that figures out how to pollute less makes more money, a lot more money, than the company that doesn't. I think, if I'm not mistaken, that's called capitalism. So either way we're gonna get to lower carbon emissions, but cap and trade cuts prices and makes more money for business. That's why I can't quite figure out the arguments against the idea.

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