Saturday, October 22, 2011

Make A Difference Day Is Today.

Well today is "Make A Difference Day", presumably in someone Else's life. Well okay, here's my idea of making a difference in your life, and mine too. Lets agree that I'm right and you've been wrong all along. Now there, doesn't that make you feel better? It sure makes me feel better. Suppose we were to have said you were right and I was wrong? I'm not suggesting that's true, you understand, but suppose we did? Then the truth came out and it turned out that I was right all along and you were wrong. Wouldn't that make you feel terrible? It would me. So lets just stick with my plan. Now I thing you should tell me you're sorry for all the times you disagreed with me. That would make me feel even better. It might even make you feel better even if it bugs you to admit it. I have to tell you that being right has always been a great joy for me. Like the fact that the Iraq war was a monumental blunder on our part, from the beginning. Even now when President Obama has stated that all U.S. military will be out by the end of the year. Still many ultra conservatives and all GOP presidential contenders think we should stay longer. Why, the Iraqis have stated that if any stay, they will not guarantee that the troops will be protected from prosecution for any charge they may wish to place against them. That pretty much says "Yankee Go Home" to me. It's time to bring them home from a war we never should have gotten into in the first place. But you won't hear that from the far right. It's time for them to Make A Difference, today. Admit I was right all along. And be happy for the thousands of American troops that will be out of harms way. At least for now. At least until they have to go to Afghanistan which was the right war but has become the unwinable war. And you need to agree with me on that too.

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