Friday, March 18, 2011

Insuring Made Easy.

I've been giving some thought to automobile insurance of late. Particularly the cost of car insurance. It's high. Like most everything else. Although it's hard to explain, since it's little affected by high oil prices, unlike everything else. I mean, just because cars burn gasoline, that doesn't cost the insurance companies any more, except that maybe the insurance salesmen have to pay more to get around and call on customers. There's a way to get around these high prices though. In fact, there's a way to get car insurance for free. I've been watching the commercials for car insurance on TV, and have come to the conclusion that I've been paying for something that's available for nothing. Here's how I envision it working. First you look to the insurance companies that are offering anywhere from ten to fifteen percent discount or even more, over their competitors. Select a company, take the discount then move on to the next. When you run out of these companies, start with the insurance companies that offer up to $400 or more in savings over their competitors. Be sure not to miss any of these opportunities. And don't pass up accident forgiveness deals either, they can come in handy. Once you've gotten all these savings, you should have enough to pay for your car insurance and have enough left over to enjoy a night out at the movies or a concert, a fine meal at a local eatery and plenty of cash to fill up the tank. So, enjoy, enjoy the great out-of-doors. Take a ride and see the USA in your Chevrolet.  Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow never comes. So, what do you think of my idea? A penny for your thoughts. Just remember, it's your money, use it when you want it. But it's my idea and I want a commission on your savings.

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