Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here's A Plan To Cut Taxes For The Wealthy, And Not A minute Too Soon.

Well, I just got back from Washington where I met with and was briefed by the president, leaders of both houses of congress and all fifty governors. OK, that's not exactly true. But I think I've figured out what they're all trying to accomplish. See, the thing is this.  America is still struggling with unemployment and high taxes on the wealthy who don't like it one bit. The high taxes, not the unemployment. So all of our governmental entities have been working feverishly to solve the problem. The high taxes on the rich, not unemployment. Now they feel they've come up with the perfect solution. The plans seem to be to cut spending on education at all levels. Federal aid to public schools and funding for college grants and loans, and states cutting funding for school districts and cutting salaries and/or firing of teachers as well as cutting funding for state affiliated colleges and universities. Now, you may ask how this will aid the wealthy. That's simple. By cutting this sort of spending, they can cut taxes for the wealthy. At the same time this plan will serve to dumb down the rest of the population. See, the wealthy don't send their kids to public schools of state universities, so it doesn't affect them. But by dumbing down the rest of the population they know that they will, more easily be swayed and convinced that everything is all right. Another benefit to this plan is that it won't take too long before America can begin to beg other countries for subsidies and foreign aid as well as humaniterian aid for the poor. It will be a nearly complete turn around for us. We can take our place as a poor nation. One of the under-developed nations of the world. By doing that, we can lower taxes for the wealthy and soon we'll be able to bring back industry that can employ our unemployed and children for a dollar a day. Twelve hours a day, seven days a week. It's a great plan and I salute all of our elected officials for their close attention and support for the plan.

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