Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Get Out The Map, I Think We're Lost.

Where the heck are we in this country? I've been wondering this a lot of late. We're still fighting two wars that nobody seems to know much about. They're not too much of a problem because only volunteers are involved. We worry about our health, but not enough to accept a national health care. We're unhappy about jobs going overseas, but not too much as long as we have our jobs. We want our kids to get the best education but don't seem to mind that our country is falling behind most other developed countries in math and science, and many kids are reading three or four years below grade level. We're mad as wet hens over taxes, and don't understand why our roads are in such bad condition. We want our fresh veggies and fruit, but don't want to pick it ourselves, but don't want illegals doing it. Republicans want tax relief for the wealthy and Democrats don't seem to know what they want. If I didn't know different, I'd think we've all fallen off the turnip truck. How come we have candidates in this country who won't speak to reporters but want donations for their campaign from everybody except from their own district or state? How is it that our government is run by the highest bidder? How can the Supreme Court state that it's OK to buy candidates and even judges? Does anyone actually think we're headed in the right direction? Does anyone think the Democrats are doing a good job of leading? Does anyone actually think the Republicans have a better idea?

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