Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hey! I saw you lookin at my pecan pie. Them's fightin looks, pilgrim! DRAW! Actually, I'm not sure anyone will actually fight over a piece of pie, but I can see, through my crystal ball, gun fights at Old Faithful over a front row seat for the show. Or even the local Opera House could erupt into the gunfight at OK Corral. Yes folks, your fightin Supreme Court is hard at work trying to figure out how to allow people to carry handguns in some of the most surprising locations. Now, I'm sure all the Sportsman's clubs will be out to lynch me, but I just don't see the need to carry a firearm to places like our National Parks and now, maybe, in places like Chicago, then next in your town. I like to hunt, and I like target shooting, and I strongly believe in my right to own firearms, and use them. But there's a difference in having the right to sensibly own and use a firearm, and carrying one around places like Old Faithful or downtown in my town. For what? To protect yourself? I thought that's what cops were for. If you're a person that suspects he or she's in danger, maybe you should stay home. Or get a permit, or hire Blackwater. They'll shoot anyone you want. Seems to me we'd all be better off if we used a little common sense. Not too much. Just a little.

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