Friday, March 19, 2010

EPA to study gas drilling effects on drinking water

How about that. The EPA is going to study the effects of drilling for natural gas on our drinking water supply. I don't see anything wrong with that. They're punching mile deep holes and blasting the Marcelles Shale in Pennsylvania, New York and West Virginia to get at the gas. It'd be nice to know it's OK to do that. Of course, the gas companies have been doing it for a bit now, so it's good to see EPA rush in to check it out. It'd be nice if they could rush in to check out if coal mining is harmful to our drinking water too. That's been happening for a lot longer. The difference is that the gas is over a mile down and our drinking water comes from a lot closer to the surface. Like the coal mines. And what about this Mountaintop Removal coal mining. When they slice off the top of a mountain, dump it into the valley streams and claim they're going to give us clean coal. How about that, EPA? Is that safe. Oh. Maybe you aren't allowed to check that. Maybe there's a law against disturbing the Coal Barons. Maybe that means that gas drilling is safe. If it weren't safe, do you really think the EPA would be allowed to investigate it? Why, harrumph, some Senator would put the stops to that, for sure.

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