Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Foot for the Mouths of Both Parties

In the Right shoe is the foot of the Chairman of the Republican National Party, in the Left shoe is the Vice President of the United States. Both seem determined to outdo each other in causing embarrassment for their parties. I suppose they cancel each other out. On the one hand you have Joe, who rides the commuter train, on the other you have Mike who rides a private jet and likes girly shows. On the one hand you have Joe with his foot in his mouth about every other day, on the other hand you have Mike who has his foot in his mouth only about every other week. They would be funny if it weren't for the fact that they both reflect their respective parties to the tee. To be fair there are others who would make great stars on the comedy channel or SNL, but these two are representing our countries best. If they're our best, we need work. Another question I have is, why is it that people with such large axes to grind seem to get to be leaders of opposition parties? Now I don't mean to poke fun at the Republicans, but right now they're the opposition party, and they are chock full of folks ready to find fault with everything the Democrats do. Another question I have is, why is it that the party in power never sees any good in what the opposition party has to say? Do you suppose that both parties aren't worth their salt?

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