Saturday, February 20, 2010

Two parties too many

My grandson asked me to explain how the Two Party System works. Ha! I explained, that is an oxymoron. He didn't know what that means, and I don't either. I told him that 'Two Party System' and 'Works' just don't go together. "How come" he wanted to know? "Well" I explained, Let me give you an example. You have some Democritters on the one side and some Republican'ts on the other. "Oh" he said. "is that bad?". "Pretty much so" I said. Here's the thing. If the Democritters decide to make healthcare work better, and they think it'll help people, the Republican'ts say it won't work, it'll cost too much, it'll bring more illegal aliens into America and will help terrorists. If the Republican'ts want to do something that will help corporations, which will create jobs, which will help people, the Democritters say they're eating pork. "Why are they eating pork and what's wrong with that?" Well, pork tastes pretty good, but when politician eat pork, they're really not eating pork, they're just getting fat off the public. And actually they're not eating pork at all, they're giving it away to friends so they can get reelected. The thing to remember is this. When the Democritters and the Repuiblican'ts are arguing, they're not doing the job they were hired to do. "What's that Grandpa" my grandson asked? Help this country get out of all the trouble it's in. "What kind of trouble grandpa" he asked? I don't have the time or space to answer that, I said. "So, grandpa, which party can I go to?" Well son, I think it's bedtime. "But Grandpa, it's only eight o'clock." I meant for the two parties.

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