Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey! Is that right? I just read that these hackings into our Industries' and Governmental computers were assisted by some folks at American Tech firms in China. Our Tech firms in China? Is that a good place for us to have Tech firms? I mean, I thought the word was that it was OK to send our manufacturing jobs overseas because we were going to concentrate on Hi Tech jobs. How come we're sending our Hi Tech jobs overseas too? Now, far be it for me to find fault with governmental strategies, but it looks to me like we're sending all of our jobs overseas. Pretty soon, we'll have to start exporting our imports and our people, because there won't be anything left but Corporate Headquarters here. Oh! No! Wait! We exported most of them too. Of course they're still close by. Just offshore a few miles. Just enough to avoid taxes. How is it that we take a Hi Tech company and say to them it's OK to send our Hi Tech info to our biggest competitor? Then get people to work for them who help China steal what we aren't giving them? Maybe we should be trying a little harder to keep some of this stuff for ourselves. I think that this hacking business is an unwritten declaration of war. Not hostilities, mind you, just Industrial Hi Tech war. I don't think the Chinese are after our hearts and souls. Just the food off our plates. Some people think it's the Democrats fault, others believe it's the Republicans fault. I agree with both. Shouldn't we be declaring Hi Tech War on them? Shouldn't we be trying to steal our secrets back from them? Or maybe stealing their hackers? Or how about letting them steal bad info? Like the secret plans for the Spruce Goose. Go ahead, look it up in a history book, I'll wait.

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