Saturday, August 18, 2018

What? No Regulations?

      Now there's an idea worth exploring. According to an article in the New York Times, President Trump is planning on overhauling  the nation's climate change regulations. His idea is to allow states to set their own regulations or even not have any regulations. It certainly makes sense if you happen to have lots of coal and lots of coal burning plants. Just think, West Virginia could allow manufacturing within their state to pollute the air with no emissions regulations.
       And if the wind is just right, which it mostly is, all that pollution would move east over Virginia and other states in it's path. Even better would be more industrialized states deciding to do the same. That way the medical profession could prosper much more in states east of those unregulated states. I'll bet that if we wanted we could create smog at levels never seen before.
       Look, it took decades for us to eliminate or at least cut back on the kind of pollution that kills people. It's the kind of pollution that also is killing our planet. You may not believe in Climate Change, but that doesn't mean it's isn't happening, whether you believe it or not. It doesn't mean that emissions regulations aren't saving untold numbers of lives, just because you don't think so.
       Now I hope I'm preaching to the choir, and I think that most of my friends and relatives would be against this brainstorm Trump is having on emissions, but I also know that some few of you just don't get it. Those folks will probably go to an early grave still thinking that coal dust is good for the veggies.

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