Thursday, August 9, 2018

Presto, Chango.

       Hmm. My last post, I suggested Mr. Trump was like a magician. But I've given it more thought and have decided that calling Trump a magician is unfair to all magicians around the world who work hard at their calling in order to better perform their mysterious acts of magic. Magicians work hard and that's the difference between them and President Trump who doesn't seem to have any interest in becoming knowledgeable on any subject except making his personal wealth grow.
       A far better representation of him is a wizard, as in the Wizard of Oz. He stands or sits behind a curtain and shows a grand personage. One of remarkable ability. But behind the curtain is a small handed, small minded individual trying desperately to appear great. But true greatness eludes this person with a fake hairdo.
       From his largest ever inaugural crowd to his fair and friendly zero tolerance order he exaggerates. While in actuality his was among the smallest of modern day inaugural crowds and his zero tolerance program has proven to be a disaster where we steal children from their parents and then deport the parents to their homeland without the children. Meanwhile what do we do with the children?
       This was and is an embarrassment to America. The Wizard of the White House is an embarrassment to America. He needs to be on a leash and collar and only a change in Congress can provide that restraint. Because the current Republican controlled Congress ain't getting the job done.

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